I woke up to another gem from Seth Godin this morning “The thing that make it popular. . . “ and it got me thinking about styles of marketing.
How many times have we seen something outlandish and funny on the internet, either “liked” it, or passed it on and had no intention whatsoever to purchase the product being pitched? I am guilty of this many times over. Just because I find something funny or interesting, it does not equate, in my mind, as being something of value.
Think about that. . . what are the messages we are sending out to our potential customers? Are we trying to be funny and cute or are we trying to show them that we have something that they need and that they will value?
Simply put, does your marketing strategy develop a strong call to action? Can you measure the results? If not, you should be asking some hard questions, because business is not a popularity contest, return on investment is what really counts.