I AM BenBaker

Does Your Business Really Need An App For That?

I thought today was a great day to write a follow up piece to “The Rise of Generation C and a New Marketing Reality” .

This week has been all about meetings with our clients to talk about mobile marketing and how to market effectively to the 18-28 year demographic.   Interestingly enough, this week a two part blog post came out titled “Does Your Business Really Need An App For That?”  I think you will find them interesting, so here is PART I and PART II.

Without getting into the challenges of the individual campaigns, I can say that the conversations surrounding marketing tactics have been fascinating.    Clients all agree that there needs to be a social media component to their campaigns, this is a given.  However, very few had given and real thought to the power of mobile marketing, or truly understood the power of this tool to this generation.

The advent of smart phone technology, coupled with the NOW mentality of this generation makes mobile marketing a powerful ally if used correctly.     Just streaming your content designed for a 20″ monitor to a 3″ x 3″ platform does nothing to further your cause.

This generation, like many others who have adopted the mobile lifestyle, need content that is specifically designed to be used on this platform.   It needs to be easy to read, fast to download, easily provide links to mobile friendly content and must be interactive in some way or form.

We are employing a wide variety of techniques to further these campaigns, including text to win, guerilla marketing street teams, free product downloads, Quick Response (QR) Codes and on-going text messaging campaigns.

It is a brave new world, where online, offline and mobile marketing converge to build great brand champions.  I am excited to be part of it.