I AM BenBaker

QR Codes – keeping your eye on the prize

I just recently was reading a blog post from one of my supplier’s on QR Codes and how to be more creative in their design.

While I applaud their creativity, it made me stop and think, what is the end objective of using QR (Quick Response) Codes  to drive people towards a mobile campaign?

The goal is developing an easy point of entry.   Enabling the end user to quickly and effectively gain entry to your portal to learn more about whatever you are trying to show them and enable instant interaction to your call to action.

With this in mind, design is a key factor.  Yes, esthetics are wonderful, but if the code is not readily scanable by the majority of devices, 98% of the time or greater, your marketing efforts have missed their mark.   Think of the QR Code as a magical key that opens the door for your customers to come in and buy your goods.   If the key doesn’t work, or the door is jammed, the client will go look for another door and spend money with someone else.   And while I have your attention, if the QR Code works and points people to a website that is not specifically purposed for mobile devices, people will be just as frustrated and move on just as quickly.

In short, technology is wonderful. . . when it works and is reliable.   Testing is the key to success.