I AM BenBaker

Promoting Your New Products Everywhere

I am a firm believer that knowledge is everywhere, you just need to open up your eyes and look around.

Below please find a blog post from a good friend, John Marshall.

I think that it is a great read and thought provoking. . . . enjoy:-)

Promoting Your New Products Everywhere

We travel often with our company. On each trip, we’re always looking for creative ideas to help our clients’ businesses grow.

On a recent flight across the country, we ordered our drinks and we were given a snack and a napkin. As I looked at the napkin it had a lot of writing on it. It was a marketing brochure disguised as a napkin.

I was intrigued.

It is not unusual today that many airlines put some information on their napkins, however, what I noticed was the amount of information on it. The text on the napkin announced not one new destination, not even two destinations; it gave details on 4 new destinations. Yes, 4 destinations.

What made this message on the napkin interesting was that it didn’t appear to be too much information, or too blatant a marketing message.

The message was easy to read. It was simple.

It was effective.

It was also effective because on a plane you don’t have the usual day-to-day distractions. As a result, you would most likely read it at least once instead of ignoring it like most marketing messages. People may even read more than once, as many are more relaxed on a plane and aren’t being interrupted.

As I looked deeper into this napkin concept, I liked how clever it was. It was a creative idea to help this airline get out new messages to their clients’.

Here are some questions about your business.

– How often do you update your clients’ on your new products or services?
– Do you do it regularly?
– Occasionally?
– Rarely?
– Do you update them on your new developments in a creative way?

As you develop new products and services for your clients’, ensure you also plan how you’ll update both your clients’ and potential clients’.

Spend time on this important step.

John Marshall
Results – Driven. Com
Business Coaching Success System