I AM BenBaker

Do too many choices lead to client apathy?

I was having a great conversation with my son the other day about choice.   He was lamenting that there were too many options in front of him and that he did not know what to do.    In the end, it led to fustration and inaction.

This led me to start thinking about this from a marketing point of view.   Do we give clients so many choices, that we drive them towards apathy and ignoring calls to action?

I would say YES.   In the information world that we live in, people are bombarded with data and find it hard to properly filter the relevant from the irrelevant.   The days of developing campaigns that appeal to everyone are gone.  We need to instead focus on specific demographics and develop communication that breaks through their filters and shows why our products or services are relevant to THEM.

This is easier said than done.   The push needs to come from the brand understanding its focus, its relevance and its value to different consumer groups.   Once that information is properly understood, then messaging can be developed that focuses on the value that product or service has to that specific demographic.

It is developing the right medium that speaks to that demographic so that you can talk to them where and when it benefits them.

Here is a great video that talks about the bombardment of information that we face as a society.     Take 10 minutes at the end of your day or at lunch to watch it. I was glad I did.   It gave me another prospective to help Get YOU Noticed!
