I AM BenBaker

Marketing During the Holiday Season

It has been many years since I have been involved directly in retail.    But this time of year always gets me thinking about Business to Consumer (B2C) marketing and how to effectively engage your audience.

Twenty years ago it was mass media.    TV, Radio and Flyers were essential for the overall success of your brand during this crucial selling period.    Everything was marked down and the key was volume and access to inventory.

How much has changed in the last twenty years?    More than most retailers imagine.    I see the same techniques used today with much less success.   Mass media has become far more expensive and margins have shrunk therefore leaving less profit on the table.

As well, clients are looking to be engaged differently.    It is about coming up with overall effective strategies that show the value of your product and it’s uniqueness in the marketplace.    The value that you provide as a retailer and how you can make it easy to do business with you are the things you should be focused on.

This is best done by looking at multi-faceted marketing techniques.    It is using direct marketing techniques to move people to mobile marketing and engaging the clients positively when and where you reach them.

As retail becomes more and more commoditised, don’t you want to look at strategies that allow you to stand out, provide value and increase margins and sales?

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