I AM BenBaker

Technology Shifts Demand We Communicate More Effectively

Interesting articles abound right now.   One that particularly caught my eye was a firm that is looking to implement a “zero email” policy.

This has me thinking.   In a world that is constantly evolving technologically, at an alarming rate, how do marketers clear through the clutter, align themselves with the right platforms and develop tactics that Get YOU Noticed?

Consumers are constantly being bombarded with information, to the point where they ignore much of what they see unless there is an immediate need or desire.     Twitter is a perfect example, if you do not notice the comment where and when it is posted, it disappears into cyberspace to be forgotten until it is retweeted by someone who saw value in it.     So how do we as brands become more sticky?  How do we stay top of mind and develop tactics that help with brand recall and allow people to take action in a timely manner?

My thought is that developing a strategy that focuses as much off line as it does online helps to humanize your brand and allows it to be in front of people longer than the second it takes for people to hit the delete key.

There are many tactics that will work, and all have to have a push to an online information gateway that is mobile friendly.

The keys are to be unique, comprehensive and demonstrate value of brand across platforms.

Let’s help to build a strategy to Get YOU Noticed!