I AM BenBaker

Understanding the Value of Time

January is an interesting time of year to measure change.   The thought that we have something positive to look forward to in the darkest of months and the shortest of days, is quite remarkable, from a marketing point of view.    The ideas of renewal and change are what cause optimism to grab a hold of you and let you believe that the past is the past and that great things are around the corner.

As marketers, we need to understand the value of time.   Our job is to understand that it is limited, precious, guarded and coveted.   People set their priorities based upon perceived value of time which can either make your campaign a thriving success or an utter failure based upon how you respect the time of your audience.

A perfect example is the salesman who calls his client at 9am on a Monday morning.    He is ready to sell, but is the customer ready to buy?  I would say no.   It is all about timing.  The same sales pitch that is done at 1:30pm on a Tuesday afternoon will be much better received because 9am on Monday is a time that is needed for some other task.


Think about this as we market.   Are we sending the right message, to the right people at the right time?   We have the technology today to do so.   We do not have to send our marketing out to everyone at 11am East Coast time and invade someone’s IN BOX at 8am on the West Coast.   Tailor your marketing to your audience.   Find out how they wish to be marketed to so that they are receptive to your message and find it valuable enough to pay attention to and act upon.

By understanding the value of time and how it can be used as your ally, marketing is far better received by the intended audience and your brand is seen as far more valuable.

We look forward to help Get YOU Noticed! In 2012.