I AM BenBaker

Marketing for a Cause!

Don’t get me wrong, I get great satisfaction marketing for our clients to help them turn a profit.    There is a wonderful feeling knowing that you have helped a company grow, be more successful, gain market share and make a profit.

However, sometimes there is more at stake than just a black number on a P & L statement.  Sometimes it is about changing a mindset or moving people towards critical thinking on a particular subject.   That is why we love being involved in Smoking Cessation campaigns across Canada.   It allows us to work with our clients to start the conversation.      Everyone knows that quitting smoking is a personal journey, however, through working with our clients, we hope to be able to start more people on that journey and develop a culture where people don’t even start.

Here is a powerful video that was developed by Alberta Health Services.  This link will take you to a 30-second YouTube video of Barb Tarbox.   Please forward this link to your contacts, post i t on Facebook, Google + or Twitter, and help make it go VIRAL so as many people as possible can hear Barb’s message.

I’ve planned my own funeral:


If you have a cause that requires some creative communication, let us help Get YOU Noticed!