I AM BenBaker

Are you saying the same thing. . . only differently?

I have been spending a lot of time on LinkedIn over the last week or so.   I have joined a couple of new discussion groups and the conversations have been lively and informative.   Being listed in the top 5% of profiles viewed is a great honour, but being one of 10 million, I am not going to let it go to my head.

Mostly the discussions fall into various types of marketing and it is interesting how passionately people advocate for the medium in which they are invested.

Everyone talks about the need to communicate with the end user, understand needs, create value of brand, have accurate response mechanisms and develop calls to action that will give you the best return on your investment.

Okay,  so if we are all in agreement that marketing is to establish brand identity and lead people towards a call to action, why is one way better than all the others?

My way of seeing things is that different types of people respond to different marketing methods and mediums and messages and none of them are wrong, they are just different.

The key is to understand the brand, overall strategy and objectives and build an overall strategic marketing plan that communicates these objectives over various mediums, to different audiences, in varied ways, to capture different market segments.

Take the time to understand who your audience is and what is important to them.    People who respond to Pinterest are very different from people who respond to ads in the Wall Street Journal.   Both may be your clients, but to attract both audiences, your message needs to be crafted in a way that elicits response within the medium chosen.

We will be attending, sponsoring and exhibiting at the Digital Strategy Conference in Vancouver April 23-25th, 2013.

If you would like to attend, here is a code to get you a 20% discount on the admission price:   promo code BCAIM20

We hope to see you there so that we can learn together how to develop new and innovative strategies to Get YOU Noticed!