I AM BenBaker

Customer Service as Marketing. . . try it, it works!

Customer service is the differentiator in our business.     Many people talk about how great their customer service is at the C Suite,  but when it really comes down to it, how many companies are told by their clients that they have GREAT customer service. . .  we do:-)



image from www.businesshelpcentre.ca

There is a reason for this, it is important to us that we take care of our customers.    They rely on us to help them succeed and it is our job to do what it takes to help them succeed.

Once again I turn to the daily ray of sunshine of  Seth Godin.   To him it is all about user experience.    Make it easy for customers to deal with you and find ways to improve processes that impede the process.

That being said we are in the process of systemizing our policies and procedures including our customer service policy.  I wanted to share some of it with you.

  1. Clients are the lifeblood of our business, without them we could not exist.
  2. When in doubt as to how to treat a client, refer to above.
  3. Answer the phone, the person on the other end needs something from you. . .  help them.
  4. If you don’t have an answer, don’t make it up, find the answer and get back to the customer within a promised timeframe.
  5. If there is a problem, own it.    Don’t ignore it or the customer; find a solution with them in a timely manner.
  6. Never assume you understand what a client needs, ASK THEM.   Clarity makes everything simpler in the long run.
  7. Do not hide behind email.   If the first reply does not solve the issue, pick up the phone and start asking questions.
  8. Do what you promised.
  9. No one gets fired for trying to take care of the client!

These seem to be eight simple rules, but they come down to company culture and mission.

Ask yourself if your current suppliers feel this way about you and your company. . .  and if not. . .  well, we are always here to help and to Get YOU  Noticed!