I AM BenBaker

How to Effectively Market in 2014 using Webinars

This January (2014),  I got to do something I have not done in a while.   I was asked by a government client to come in and give a live webinar on How to Effectively Market in 2014.

The webinar went really well and at the end there were some great questions and interaction amoungst the group and I really think that format and content were the reason for it’s success.

The first thing we did was set up a meeting about a month ahead of time to talk about who the audience was and build a strategy for the webinar.   The questions we looked at were:  what was important to them and what their specific challenges were when it came to marketing?   Government bodies do not really speak in terms of Brand and getting them to understand the concept in terms of  how they relate value when communicating with their audiences went a long way to building bridges and common language quickly.

At the beginning of the talk, the host took the time to lay the foundation of why I was there, how this would benefit them and how the information would be used in future meetings.    With that, we laid out a deck of 16 slides that broke down the concept of marketing as to how it is affects Target Audience, Brand, Message and Medium and then took them through the process.

The most important thing was to make sure that there was lots of time at the end for questions and answers.    Truly this is where everyone got the most value.   By taking the time to personally answer specific questions the audience had, they became way more engaged and saw far more value in what we were saying.

This webinar was for stakeholders mostly in BC, but there were people from other Western Provinces involved.   Therefore we started it at 11:30 hrs PST in order to make the timing beneficial for the majority of the audience.

Using the webinar format I was able to get to meet key decision makers who were interested in my subject matter in a way that I normally could never hope to engage them.   I was able to provide them valuable content, that they can share, and this went a long way to help me solidify my reputation as a good source of knowledge to this important group of potential clients.

Here is a PDF copy of the deck for revue.   I think you will find a lot of great information within it.

Let me know what you think.

Looking forward to helping you build Tangible Evidence for your Brand to Get YOU Noticed! in 2014.