I AM BenBaker

Are you asking the right questions?

It is amazing to me how many companies spend money on marketing without a strategy.  They tend to be reactive instead of taking the time to understand what they are truly trying to accomplish and then developing a plan to achieve their goals.

Questions and Answers signpost

Recently, I sent this email to a client to have them look more critically at their overall promotional marketing spend and determine if I could get them to think more strategically about their objectives, their spend and marketing their brand.

The results were that we were able to gain more insight into who they were as an organization and help them better accomplish their goals.

Have a look at these questions and see if you can answer them.


  1. Which departments currently utilize promotional marketing within your organization?  
  2. How do they currently use them and why? 
  3. Who do they interact with?  Internal or external stakeholders (who are they specifically)? 
  4. What is the objective in providing promotional marketing pieces to these groups?   Would be interested in understanding both individually and collectively? 
  5. What is the overall budget for promotional marketing pieces (including VIP gifts and clothing currently)? 
  6. Do you feel that this budget is currently well utilized? 
  7. Do you feel that those who receive promotional marketing pieces understand your value as an organization and relate to the messaging behind the pieces given? 
  8. Do they act on the call to action you are trying to convey? 
  9. Do you think that those who receive promotional marketing pieces from you view them as having value and continue to use them on an on-going basis? 
  10. Are there communication challenges that you are currently facing where having specific promotional marketing pieces could help you communicate better? 
  11. Do you feel that your current suppliers are providing you with quality product and strategic advice that will help you and those you support into the future? 

Thanks for your time in answering these questions.   I hope that by taking the time to go through them we can find better ways to support your initiatives and build Tangible Evidence that supports your Brand and Gets YOU Noticed!