I AM BenBaker

Language is Powerful!

QUESTION:   If you invite two people for dinner and one says they will be there before 6pm and the other says they will be there around 6pm, who do you get mad at when they both show up at 6:30pm?

Language is Powerful!   When used properly it can motivate, change opinion or even shape the future.   A great example of this is the “Ask not what your country can do for you” speech by John F. Kennedy.   The use of language in this case spurred a generation to accomplish amazing things.

By taking the time to properly craft our message and use language as a tool, we, as marketers, can influence opinion and sway people towards viewing our product or service more favourably.

Take the time to critically look at what and how you present your brand.  Invest the time and the resources to review all your materials to determine if they truly create the position you wish to bring forward.   Hire a professional to wordsmith your work.   They will look at it with a critical eye and ask questions about what you are trying to achieve.

In short, use language to your advantage.   Let people know that you are passionate about your brand and that you have taken the time to pay attention to detail.  TRUST ME, IT MATTERS!

In the end it is all about creating Tangible Evidence for your brand that Gets YOU Noticed!  

By the way, if you want to have some fun, here are 14 Witty Jokes for the Grammar Nerd in Your Life. . .  ENJOY!