I AM BenBaker

I know what you would like. . . now what’s your budget?

We have all heard it.  Clients with grandiose plans, that want to take over the world.   They call in their agency of choice and lay out a brief of what they want them to achieve.   The agency walks away with a good understanding of objectives, brand, timeline and call to action, but they neglect to ask one simple question. . .  WHAT’S YOUR BUDGET?

Game of Thrones expectations jpeg-medium


I really wish I knew who created this image and posted it on LinkedIn, but as soon as I saw this, I knew there was a blog post coming.

Far too often, we are afraid to ask our clients, at the beginning, what their budget is.     I just do not understand WHY?

Without understanding budget, how can you develop a customized solution that will truly work for them?

You will spend time and actual capital developing concepts that have no chance of becoming anything other than exercises on paper only because you did not ask ONE SIMPLE QUESTION!

Conversely, clients, don’t be afraid to give out this information early.   It will allow you to skip pitch sessions where ideas are proposed that are way outside of your budget and waste everyone’s time.

If we all take the time to communicate what is really important and ask the hard questions, better relationships can be formed and better products can be produced that develop effective calls to active, support the brand and works within budget constraints.

Contact us and we will take the time to understand your true needs and Get YOU Noticed!