I AM BenBaker

Perception is Reality

We all walk this earth with perceptions of what is right, what is wrong, what is fair and what is just.    Right or wrong, we judge each situation that we are in based upon those perceptions and act accordingly.

No two people feel exactly the same about any situation and that is what makes the world a wonderful place. Allowing for different forms of creativity and nuance is what makes things interesting!

As critical as we are about the world, we are far more critical about ourselves.   We question our own beliefs, our own sense of right and wrong and our sense of self.

Dove has done a wonderful job capturing this in the video below and teaches us that what we see when we look in the mirror may not be a true reflection of how others see us.  Take the time to appreciate all the good that you do for others, all the you have accomplished and know that you have helped create good in the world.      May that be the legacy of your personal brand.

Enjoy the video. . .  we certainly did!