I AM BenBaker

The Definition of a Brand Issue. . . Translink!

I refused to comment on this while the plebiscite was still being tallied, but I cannot keep silent no more.

In yesterday’s Metro Newspaper (July 27th, 2015) was this article about the search for a new CEO for Translink who, if they meet all their criteria for bonuses, will make $433,000.00 next year.   I personally, will do it for $285,000.00!

When I was on Twitter and LinkedIn yesterday, everyone I knew was thinking about applying for the job.  Hey, what is the worst thing that could happen?   They fire you and you live VERY WELL off the severance package for a couple of years!


Translink has three issues as I see it:

  1. Lack of consumer confidence
  2. Major issues in technology
  3. Brand disconnect

The technology issue that they are having with Compass seems to be a major stumbling block that has caused both the lack of consumer confidence and the brand disconnect.

By brand disconnect, my thoughts are that Translink does not seem to have a clear view of what they have done to their brand.    They are a public company and the perceived mismanagement of funds, both in salaries and also in how money is invested has led people to think that they are not living up to their mandate.    Keeping the former CEO on board, after it was clearly demonstrated that he did not have the skills to properly lead the organization, is just the tipping point in a series of blunders over the years that have led people to question how the organization is run and managed.  These factors have led to a lack of consumer confidence.

Optics are critical when you are constantly in the public eye.   If there is a major issue, you cannot run from it and hide, you as a brand need to deal with it heads on.   Admit you made a mistake and present a clear vision of how you are going to make things better.    People will forgive a mistake that is admitted to and rectified.   However, brands will die a quick and painful death if they do not listen to the criticism of their clientele.    All you have to do is look at Target in Canada for proof of this point.

Take the time to look at your brand.   Is how you perceive it the way that your clients do?    If you do not know, ask them!   Take the time to protect your most valuable asset and make the changes needed to shore up confidence in that brand, if needed, NOW!

In this consumer driven economy, those who do not listen, evaluate and change are sure to suffer the wrath of those they wish to influence.   Come talk to us, we will work with you to Get YOU Noticed! in a positive way!