I AM BenBaker

How Are You Engaging Your Clients?

Customer engagement, to me, is the key of any brand’s success.   The more you can get people to understand your value and tell your story, the closer ties they will have to your brand.

The Disney Corporation have mastered client engagement.  Over the last 60 years, they have perfected how to make people feel special and want to engage with them over and over again.



The video above tells a specific story.   Why would you want to stay with Disney?   Hey, they know that you are coming to the park if you are in Anaheim, why worry about whether people stay onsite or at one of the many hotels in the nearby area?    The reason is that it helps them cement the customer experience and allows them even more time to let you develop memories that you will share with everyone back home.     The key to Disney’s success is their ability to create an all encompassing fantasy.  Magic for the children (and the children at heart. . . myself included) and for those who are not overwhelmed by Pixie Dust, they have been transported to a world that is designed to make things easy and enjoyable for all.

What is the level of engagement your company has with it’s clientele?   Can they tell your story?   Do they speak of you in glowing terms to their friends and business associates?   Do they believe that you add value to their lives and make business easier for them?  WHY NOT?  

To be able to have this experience with your clients, you need to understand brand, message, market and value.

Brand is who you are and describes what you do and what makes you unique.

The message is the brand’s story.   Telling people what makes you unique in ways that your audience can relate to.

Market is your audience  (no, not everyone is your customer!).   These are the people who understand your unique position in the world and want to engage with you.

Value is the perception of the market of your uniqueness.   It is not about what value you think you bring to the market, it is what they perceive your value to be.   The two are not always the same and successful companies work hard every day to engage their customers so that there is a high perceived value of their brand.

Take the time to look at who you are as a company.  What do you stand for?  What do you do that other’s don’t?   Why do people care about what you do and who are those people?    Once you understand all of that, talk to them in an honest way to communicate their importance to you.

In the end. . . it is all about GettingYOUNoticed!