I AM BenBaker

The Power of a Hashtag


Like most marketers, I do look at my analytics.     For me, it is about reach and engagement, the second being way more important than the first.   How many followers I have are really irrelevant to me, I am looking for quality not quantity. I would rather have far fewer followers that are engaged and interested than vice versa.   To me, it means that the content that I am putting out is of interest and hopefully thought provoking.

That being said, I can across a statistic the other day looking at Twitter that absolutely floored me.   I live in Steveston, BC, Canada.   For those of you who do not know, that is where the show Once Upon A Time is filmed.  Truthfully, I am not a fan, hey I barely watch TV, however, it amazes me how popular this show actually is.

The other day, I was walking through the village of Steveston and saw this.


I decided to tweet it out using the hashtag #OUAT  (Once Upon a Time).

Ben Baker @CMYKSolutions Nov 4 Hey they are making a mess again!

The response was incredible.


 8336 Impression and 1079 engagements for an engagement rate of 12.9%.

Nothing I have sent out lately has even come close.

What this shows is that for everything, there is a loyal following built up over time that is passionate.    The trick is to find ways to engage your fans to make sure they are passionate about you and what you do.

Do not just send out a tweet or post to another social media medium and hope for the best.   ASK QUESTIONS and LISTEN to what people have to say.    Incorporate their advice and make things better.

We use the hashtag #GettingYOUNoticed .  .  . it helps us tell our story and provides a rallying point for those we wish to engage.

Take the time to figure out what you want to achieve in your marketing, be strategic and if we can help, we are always here to Get YOU Noticed!

BTW, if you want to easily check on how your tweets are doing, you can simply setup an account at www.analytics.twitter.com