I AM BenBaker

Does that make you feel a little uncomfortable?




If marketers are doing their job correctly, the client should always be a little uncomfortable.   It is our job to ask you the questions you have not thought about and get you to question what your brand, culture and value in the market really is and if it aligned to what your customers (both internal and external) perceive it to be.

If all we are doing is allowing you to market the way you always have, you will, at best, get what you have always got.   There will be no shift in perception, no added understanding of your value and little to no incentive to have another look at what you do and why you do it. . . AND ENGAGE!

When finding a communications partner, find someone you can talk to!  Someone who understands you as a company and you as individuals.   Find out what they are passionate about and if it is not making you better, move on.

We all need to be viewed as unique and valuable, now more than ever.  There is too much noise and not enough good conversation and story telling going on.


Have someone help you tell a great story and make sure that everyone in your organization is aligned with that story. . . IT IS IMPORTANT!

What is your next step?   Call us, we will work with you to discover your uniqueness and tell your story.