I AM BenBaker

The YourLIVINGBrand.live show with Ben Baker August 2 2017

Today on the YourLIVINGBrand.live show I am going solo.   I wanted to take the time to talk directly to you to tell you about where we were, where we are and where we are going.   I have had a few challenges with the show over the last few weeks and have not changed vendors for the interview software.  The software that I am going to is more robust, allows me to have greater control and will allow you, as my loyal audience to be able to decide from week to week whether you watch live or whether you get an email to watch at your own pace and time.

Starting Monday, August 7th, you will be able to sign up for our weekly programs and get reminder notifications of live broadcast times and a replay will be sent to you automatically 2-3 hours after the close of the show.

Here is this week’s broadcast:

OUR BIG ANNOUNCEMENT is that on October 3rd 2017 Garry Priam and I will be holding a full day workshop at Library Square Conference Centre in Vancouver called “Brand, Communicate and Lead for Success.”  This course is designed for senior level managers and executives to codify their personal brand and to understand how their personal brand, when meshed with that of corporate, makes them better leaders.

There are only 70 Spots

GRAB YOURS HERE and use Coupon Code: YourBrandMarketing50 to get an additional $50 off the early bird rate!