We’ve been on a long journey together, but our journey is about to end. This show has been an incredible learning experience for everyone. This episode is where we should think about where we are going and where we’ve been because when we understand where we have been, we will be successful in getting to where we need to go. Ben Baker extends his appreciation to everyone, for he learns a lot from his guests and audience to get him where he’s heading. Tune in to this episode, and let’s find common ground to move forward together.
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The Last Hurrah: Bringing Down The Curtain On Your Living Brand Live With Ben Baker
[00:01:26] This is the penultimate episode of the show. After several years and over 325 episodes, I have decided to sunset this show. I wanted to take the time to tell you not only how much I appreciate you but also how much I’ve learned from you and this show over the last few years. Next episode, I’m going to announce what’s next. This show has been an incredible learning experience for me. Every single guest that I have had on this show has taught me something. They have taught me to be more humble. They have taught me how to listen better. They have given me the tools that I’ve needed to be able to be more valuable to my clients. I’m hoping that they’ve done the same to you.
Our guests have been incredible, and I couldn’t do this show without them, their insights, passion, love for what they do, and also their ability to be able to sit there and clearly define what their challenges were, how they overcame them, and the lessons that they learned. This is something that we all need to think about. Where are we going? Where have we been? If we understand where we’ve been and where we are, we’re going to be far more successful in getting to where we need to go. That means that we need to learn from everything and everyone. Everyone has something to teach us. Everyone has something they’re passionate about, something that they’re great at, and something that they just do a little bit better than everybody else.
None of us are as strong as all of us. Share on XIt’s okay that they do it better than we do. It’s okay that their area of expertise is different than ours, look at things differently, value different things or have different insights. By listening to these people, understanding them, and valuing them, even if we don’t agree with them, we get better. We get to sit there and say, “I never thought of things that way.” I had an opinion. I knew exactly what was right and what was wrong in this situation, but listening to somebody who thinks differently than we are gives us the ability to say, “Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe there’s a different way of looking at things. Maybe the world isn’t so black and white. Maybe there are a lot more shades of gray than I actually realized.”
That’s the world that we need to create and the world that we need to embrace, the shades, nuance, different ways of thinking, different positions that people have, where they came from, where they are, where they’re going, what their fears are, what their hopes are, what their aspirations are, and what their challenges are. The more we can understand people for who they are without judging, pointing fingers, and sitting there going, “They must be wrong because I believe I am right,” the better off we all will become. That’s how we learn, embrace, and create something bigger than ourselves. All of us are better than any of us.
We are all stronger together. It doesn’t matter if the person sweeps the floors or they sit in the corner suite. They each have value. We need to be able to sit there, look at people individually, and understand that they each have something to give us. They each have something that we can give to them. It’s being able to have that give and take, that yin and yang, that ability to appreciate others, learn from them, listen to them, value them, and believe that the world can be better because we have differing points of view.
Never forget to #CommunicateYourWhy. Share on XWe don’t all think the same. We’re all not part of this one big group think that says, “If the boss thinks this way, we need to think this way.” Maybe the boss is wrong. Maybe the boss is incorrect. Maybe the boss hasn’t looked the things the way that you have. By telling them, “You’re wrong,” all of a sudden, you’re going to put get them to put their back up. Have you said, “Have you ever thought of looking at it this way? Have you ever interpreted it with this point of view? Have you ever considered this?” and being able to show them in a way that’s non-confrontational and binary, and shows those 50 shades of gray, that there’s a different way of looking at the situation.
We don’t all go through the wall. Some of us go over it, under it, and around it, but we all get to the place we need to be. Those goals are what we’re going towards. We need to have that point of light in mind, the place that we’re going to, and be able to get everybody to understand that that’s what we’re trying to achieve and not be worried about whether that person goes left to get there, whether that person goes right, above, or beyond. It doesn’t matter when we’re all aiming for the same place in the same direction, the same outcome, and looking at different ways of getting there.
The glass is neither half-full nor half-empty. It is refillable! Share on XThey may have found a faster way. They may have found a more effective way. They may have found a way that’s going to cause less challenges, headaches, and grief for everyone. If we don’t assume that everybody has to go right because we believe that right is the only way to go, our life is going to be better. Thank you all for being part of this journey. Thank you for being part of this show and every single week emailing me. You’re participating on LinkedIn to challenge me, giving me ideas of great guests and saying, “Have you thought about this?” My life is richer because of you. My life is richer because of the connections I’ve made, the friends I’ve created, and the ideas I’ve come across that are not necessarily my own. I value you all for it.
I wanted to take the time to say thank you. I wanted to take the time to say I appreciate you. I hope that this show has added value to your lives and that the 300-plus episodes that are part of this become things that you can go back to and say, “I hadn’t thought of it that way.” This is an idea that I’m trying to get across as somebody else. I don’t might have the language to do this, but I can send this episode to somebody else and say, “Read it,” and have a conversation about it. Use this show as a tool. It’s not going away. That YourLIVINGBrand.live show will continue to be where it is for as long as I can. I want it to be a tool that you can use, be able to reuse and teach other people how to learn and think differently, and give others the ability to think on a much wider plane.
#WeAreAllStrongerTogether Share on XThank you again. Thank you for your passion. Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for reading this week after week, month after month, and year after year because this show never would’ve existed without you. In June 2017, when I first had the impetus to start this show, I said, “Let’s create ten episodes. Let’s see how it goes. Let’s see what happens. Let’s see if anybody reads this,” and people did. People were curious and passionate. People told me I was wrong. People gave me different ideas, I listened, and I got better.
My thought process changed. It never would’ve without this exercise. Take the time, people. Look at the world from different points of view. Think differently. Never assume you know everything because none of us do. The world is getting more and more complex, and we need the nuances. We need to listen to each other. We need to understand each other. We need to value each other. We need to care about each other. We need to sit there and say, “Maybe that person’s viewpoint, whether I agree with it or not, has some valid points. Let’s take a look at the things that I see as valid and be able to discuss those.”
Find common ground because when we find common ground, we find anchor points to be able to move forward together. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Everybody, thank you for being part of this audience. Next episode, I’m going to tell you about what’s next because I’m excited about the next chapter of what’s happening. I want you all to be part of it. I want to make sure that we continue this relationship and have the ability to keep growing together. Have an incredible week. Thank you for being part of this audience. Thank you for helping me be better at who I am. Have a great day.
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About Ben Baker
My mission is to help people succeed on their terms! Through enabling them to tell their story, which explains to the right people who they are, why they should be trusted, and the value they provide.
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