I AM BenBaker

A Promokitchen Interview with Seth Godin

To paraphrase Dr. Stephen Covey, “we should always be looking to sharpen our saws”.

With that in mind, I belong to several online communities.    The reason I do so is that I believe that the collective brilliance is far better than anything that I can develop on my own.

On LinkedIn, I spend time talking about Marketing within B2B Marketing, CEOtoCEO Discussion Group and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Network to name a few.  My goal is always to participate when I can add value to the conversation: to provide an opinion that I am not seeing online, or to raise a question to a point that I believe is not being discussed.     Being part of these networks has helped me be a better partner to my clients.   It widens my view of the world and lets me draw on experience and expertise that I could only utilize by reaching out to those I have met with and interacted with online.

Another online community that I belong to is Promokitchen.   Promokitchen is an online community that strives to make the promotional marketing world a better place for all.   It strives to elevate the skill level of those entering the marketplace and get them to think more along the lines of brand, message, culture and audience rather than just selling product.

One of the many things that happens within the Promokitchen community is weekly podcasts.    Interviews with various members of the community (here is mine) that talk about different ways of developing unique communication strategies, client interactions and creative ways to Get YOU Noticed!  As part of this series, the Chefs of Promokitchen recently held a one hour interview with Seth Godin, one of the true pioneers of modern marketing, to talk about how to create value in the market place.

Please click on the image below to access that interview. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Seth Godin Image