I AM BenBaker

Advertising that makes you THINK!

We are all bombarded, every day, with more images and noise from advertisers than we are even aware of.   Too many people do not think about how their brand will be perceived long term by the ads that they put out.   Does the ad reflect your brand positively?  Can people relate to it?   Does it have a strong call to action?   WHY NOT????

If people cannot recall who the advertiser was or how to get in touch with them, long after the logo is no longer in front of them, then it has not done it’s job.

If no emotional connection is made, it is just noise.


In the words of David Brier. . .  it is time to Rise Above the Noise!

In my opinion, here are three brilliant commercials that have done just that.

How can we help you create an emotional tie with your intended audience?