I AM BenBaker

An Innovative Campaign to Show New Product Launch

I am not a believer in selling any particular product.   I believe that you develop solutions based upon the needs of the client and create solutions that drive people towards specific calls to action. The specific product is a bi product of the desired results of the campaign.

With that being said, I rarely focus on a particular brand or product within my blog, but today is an exception.

Trimark Sportswear,  a great Canadian Brand who were involved in the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, just sent me a brilliant piece to introduce their new line for 2013.

The email was simple “Spring 2013 Launch Video!” and it got me to open up an email that might have been either deleted immediately or put into the “I’ll look at it later” folder.

Within the piece it talked about having new and innovative tools including 360 virtual viewing of their product. . .  I was further intrigued.   The caption was “Just our way of making things even easier for you“.


They realize that they are out of the commodity game and are providing solutions that add value and make it easier for me to get excited about their product line.

Marketing today has to be about creating interaction and involving customers in a way that makes them passionate about their product.   Trimark did this by developing a simple video that demonstrates not only what is new and innovative in the line, but how that product can be individualized to meet the branding needs of my clientele.

Watch the video and think about your own brand, are you doing what it takes to Get YOU Noticed!