I AM BenBaker

Are you speaking to your audience in their language?

Even the “experts” in communication are constantly having to update their skill set to keep up with the ever changing moving target we call Social Media.     Here is an article from the Pew Research Center from 2014 that talks about the trends as they were not 18 months ago.  Is that information still current, probably not, but the trends show that more and more people are accessing Social Media daily and their method of entry by far is through their mobile device.


When most people think of Social Media, the above sites is what they think of.   However, this is far from the truth.    There are literally hundreds of Social Sites, each with their own niche audience.   That is both good and bad for marketers.    If you understand your demographics and how they wish to be communicated to, then you can choose where to focus and move on. . .  for now.   However, if you have not taken the time to understand who your audience is, what their likes and dislikes are and how they want to be communicated to, you can very easily spin your wheels on platforms that are ineffective for you.

Take the time to build an effective overall communication strategy that looks at who your audience is and how they wish to be communicated to and then build your marketing plan around that strategy.

As always, please contact us with questions or projects. We are here to help Get YOU Noticed!