I AM BenBaker

As we close in on Earth Day, are we really being green or is it just a marketing ploy?

More and more of my clients are asking for more eco friendly ideas for their marketing solutions these days.    However, when I ask them how this dovetails with their brand and their mandate, I usually get some blank looks coming back at me.

Being “green” can be seen as a good marketing ploy these days, but if it is not sincere and reflected in the rest of your brand and marketing communication, then it is seen as empty promises by those you are truly trying to influence.

With all marketing programs, you need to start with the brand objectives.   If reduce, reuse and recycle are part of your mandate, then shout it from the rooftops.    Show people how you live the brand and the mission through your marketing and branding efforts.   Educate yourself as to what options are available in all facets of your procurement.   From recycled memo pads and biodegradable pens, to signage made from recycled glass.      You can even create uniforms that are made from eco friendly materials.   Here is a great one page reference guide to start you off.    Please feel free to download it and send it to those you feel will benefit from the information.

The trick is to be sincere as to who you really are when marketing your brand.   Own the space you are in and market accordingly.    In the end, it is the best way to Get YOU Noticed!
