I AM BenBaker

Brand, Culture and Motivation. . . the keys to your corporate success!

We have been spending a lot of time lately talking to clients about internal motivation strategies.     Our argument is that if your staff do not understand the brand and culture. . .  and don’t believe in them whole heartedly, how do you expect them to communicate the value of your brand and culture to your external client base?

Marketing is not just for external audiences.   Internal staff need to understand your brand, message, market and value as much, if not more than those you want to sell to.   These are your customer support people, your sales staff, your marketers and a host of other departments, whether they understand it or not, affect daily how your brand is perceived in the market place each and every day.

Have a look at this amazing 5:42 minute video:

Culture is Priority One – Tony Hsieh (Zappos)

Tony’s words are as true today as they were six years ago.   He believes in the business being a tight knit family where people help each other out for the greater good.   How does he do this?   By making sure that everyone in the company understands the goals of the company and their role in making that happen.

He understands that great ideas can come from anywhere in the company and great ideas should be rewarded.   He acknowledges staff for their contributions and celebrates successes publicly.

Take the time to really look at your company brand, culture and how you motivate staff.   Are they symbiotic?   Do people feel that they can speak up and have their opinion recognized in the company?   Do you believe in team successes and rewarding initiative?

If not, why not?   The cost of hiring and retraining today is too high in terms of productivity loss and true dollars spent!   Wouldn’t you rather spend the time finding out how to keep great employees and reward them for their creativity?

We would love to help you get there!   It is all about Creating Your LIVING Brand!