I AM BenBaker

Branding Step by Step – Episode #5 – Defining and Naming the Brand


Understand the Data.

Once you finalize Insight and Discovery the next step is understanding the data.   This is where a branding company earns their money.   It is how well they can interpret the information  given to them and lay it out in small simple chunks that become the footings that the brand will stand upon.

Defining the brand is about understanding what the value of the company will be moving forward.   It is their niche, their value in the market place and their culture.    This is the basis of creating the new brand story that can be shared across mediums so that your intended audience does engage with you and begin their belief in you and tell your new story to others.

Naming the company can only be done after the defining has been signed off on.    The name can be as straight forward as “Your Brand Marketing” or as cryptic as “Nike”.   No one knew what a “Nike” was until Nike told them what it was and defined their space in the market.  However, the name was unique, got them noticed and drew people in to find out more about the story.

Your name needs to reflect who you are and the story you want to tell.   Branding people are good at this; enable them to do their craft.

Things that will be considered when naming the company will be: Are URLs available in .com or country specific; Is the name too close to anything your competitors are working with; Can it be word or trademarked and Does it reflect your brand?

Play around with different names, buy a whole bunch of URLs and take the time to think about it for a while. This is the name that will be with you for a long time.

We hope that you tune in next week when we will discuss creating the brand package.