I AM BenBaker

Branding Step by Step – Episode #7 – Getting Ready for the Brand Launch


Ok. . . we are almost there.   We have decided to proceed, figured out what is important to us, found a partner, gone through Insight and Discovery, defined the brand and named it, created the branding package and now . . . we are ready to plan the brand launch!

The brand launch is an exciting time.    It is when all the pieces have been developed and are hidden behind the stage waiting for the curtains to open.   It is the time for checklists, to make sure that all Tangible Evidence of the old brand has been destroyed or donated (tax receipts are always a good thing). That new brand materials are ready to be given out and that all electronic mediums are ready to be switched on and old ones pushed to the new sites.

This is the time of brand and culture training for staff at all levels.  Clear communication of new brand is critical, so that people understand why they are moving forward and what the new story is that they need to tell.    Invest the time and capital; not doing so can lead to brand confusion.

This is a time to celebrate with staff and clients and a launch party is never a bad idea.    It allows you to bring everyone together to tell the new story and get everyone excited.

In short, get ready to have a new reason to talk to everyone you know about the changes and why they should be excited about them.

Can you feel it?  It is time to launch the brand!   Tune in next week for the final episode where we Launch the Brand!