I AM BenBaker

Can You Tell YOUR Story Effectively?



If I put a microphone or a video camera in front of you and said you had two minutes to effectively tell your brand story. . .  could you?

Could you explain to people where you came from, where you are and where you are going?

Unfortunately, this is a skill set that most brands have not perfected, nor have they ingrained it into the culture of their organizations.

Your story is a vital part of your brand!

It tells your audience who you are, what you do, why you do it and why they should pay attention and engage with you.   If you cannot do that in two minutes or less, you cannot effectively engage most customers so that they want to hear more.

The reason we all sit up and lean in when a good story is told is that it peaks our interest.   It allows those who are being told the story to actively listen and incorporate this new information into their psyche.   It gives them reason to care and if they care, they will build an internal construct of how this story benefits them.   Once they know it benefits them, you have them.   Not only are they invested, but if you can live up to the promise of the story, they will retell it over and over again.

Learn what you brand story is, hone it and find ways to retell it through various mediums, it will only enhance Create Your LIVING Brand.

Here is a great Ted Talk by Andrew Stanton. . . Enjoy his story!