I AM BenBaker

CASL . . . otherwise known as Canada’s NEW Anti-Spam legislation. . . what does it mean to you?

Last week, the Association of Integrated Marketers held a luncheon in Vancouver to talk about CASL- Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation.   This “NEW” Anti-Spam legislation covers all types of electronic communication comes into affect in Canada July 1st 2014 and we wanted to make sure that we were up to date with any last minute changes that could affect both us and our clients.


Well, the best I can tell you is that I left the luncheon as confused, if not more so, than when I walked in.

This legislation, if not paid attention to, could cost you a hefty fine.   It’s intent is to reduce the amount of SPAM significantly in Canada, but as the legislation reads, almost all non-permission based Commercial Electronic Messages will be considered SPAM.

Here is a copy of the power point presentation provided during the event.

After viewing the presentation and listening to other experts in the field I have come to a few conclusions.

If you are involved with complicated electronic marketing in any way, shape or form, you need to have a lawyer reviewing your processes and procedures NOW!

If you are sending out a newsletter or other communication to a set list of people take the time NOW to get express permission from them in order to make things easier going forward.    Remember that current client relationships and relationships that have lapsed less than two years ago are exempt from CASL, but we are contacting those clients that are non-active and getting their permission anyway.

Make sure that all communication going forward gives the person receiving it the option to unsubscribe and if you get the request, do so right away.

Make sure your lists are clean and you know where you got your names from.

Ask yourself the question, “would I consider what I am sending out SPAM?” and act accordingly.

The more we can use common sense rules, the more people will be responsive to our marketing going forward.

If you have questions, please contact me directly at bbaker @ cmyksolutions . ca

As always. we are here to help build Tangible Evidence for your Brand that Gets YOU Noticed!