I AM BenBaker

So the client asked me. . . where should I focus my marketing efforts?

So the client asked me. . .  where should I focus my marketing efforts?

I am amazed how differently I answer this question with my different clientele.    The quick answer that they all get is no matter what anyone has told you. . . there is NO SILVER BULLET!

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The long answer starts with a series of questions based on goals, brand, company culture, budget and objectives.    I tell clients that unless we can understand these items, no amount of marketing in the world will work, because it will not be tied to their specific goals.

From there, it is all about strategy.   What do you want to achieve?    Is it greater market share, brand awareness, engaging a new demographic, communicating a new offerings of your company, all of the above or something else?

Only once objectives and strategy have been discussed, can we begin to talk tactics, which is where marketing kicks in.      Those tactics have to take into consideration how your preferred audience wants to interact with you.   If everyone you want to talk to is on Facebook and you are communicating through LinkedIn, it does not matter how well the campaign is thought out, it will fail because it does not engage the right audience at the right place at the right time.

Companies also need to stop thinking that because Social Media is less expensive on a per impression basis, it is a better solution.   Not necessarily.   If your audience is in the car 9-5 Monday to Friday, blasting away via Social Media is totally ineffective.    Think as your client thinks and communicate accordingly.

In the end, it is about building Tangible Evidence for your Brand that Gets YOU Noticed!   Take the time at the beginning to develop a strategy to do it right!