I AM BenBaker

Be Comfortable in your own Brand!

Too many companies today let their brands be dictated to by their competition.   They are so worried about what their competition is doing and what people think about them as it relates to their competition, that they move away from their core beliefs.  In other words, they move away from what they do well to try to respond to the marketing of others.

My belief is that this cheapens your brand!

By focussing on who others are and what they accomplish in the market, you are not focussing on what your value is.   If you are not focussed on that, how can your customers be?   Take the time to look at who you are as a company, what your secret sauce is, what you do that carves out a special niche that needs to be filled and focus all your energy there.

Here is a piece that I recently found  on Bloomberg, with the CEO of Under Armour talking about his philosophy on brand and positioning.   It is well worth a listen to.



In the end, this laser focus will help you develop the Tangible Evidence that will help Get YOU Noticed!