I AM BenBaker

Customer Service Marketing

Let me first start by saying, I HATE buying cars.  Not a car guy, never have been, nor will I ever be.     That being said, it was time for the company to get a new vehicle.   I wasn’t sure what I wanted, or where to go, so I did what I only thought sensible. . . . I asked a couple of friends who had just bought vehicles.

A couple of them had used a car broker, who purchased vehicles from the US, but not knowing what I wanted, this seemed a little scary to me.    Another friend told me to go to the local auto mall and just drive vehicles until I found something I liked.   Boy, if you ever want to be ignored, go to a car lot and just look in windows of cars hoping for someone to come and ask you if you need help.  . . what an amazing experience.

And then a friend of mine told me to go see his friends at Brown Bros. Ford.     When I asked him why, he said because they took care of me.   Okay, it was worth a call or at least an email.  Surprisingly enough, I got a response from the sales manager whom I was referred to within 15 minutes.  We talked on the phone, booked a meeting for the next day and when I showed up, he had a sales guy there to meet me and was already asking me all the right questions.

The long and short of the conversation is that I bought from Mike ([email protected]), not because they had a particular model on the lot, but because they took the time to ask questions, walk me through the options and answer my concerns without a lot of sales hype.

I ended up buying a car for more than I originally planned and purchased the extended warranty to go with it.

WHY?   Because these people practice customer service marketing.    I was handed off from one department to the other seemlessly.   I felt that I was being taken care of and not just another car that needed to be sold that day to make quota.    I was introduced to the service manager and explained how things work there and three days later I had a mailer mailed to me with a thank you note and a rewards card for continued client warranty.

These people realize that they received my business because someone else recommended me to them and that by treating me the same way, I will do the same.

Think of the experience you provide your clients.    What emotions are you creating?   What long term bonds are you forming and are you creating opportunities to develop brand champions?

Brown Bros. Ford does and it will earn them long term, profitable clients.

I am pleased to Get Them Noticed!