I AM BenBaker

Delivering Success And Company Satisfaction With Jeffrey Hayzlett

LBL Hayzlett | Delivering Success


Ben Baker chats with Jeffrey Hayzlett, the CEO and the brains behind C-Suite Network and the ex-chief marketing officer of Eastman Kodak. Today, they unlock loads of knowledge on delivering success for your team and company. Jeffrey teaches us how to take things to the next level and make things bigger through his three conditions of satisfaction – money, learning something new, and having fun. Making sure the organization understands their priorities, articulating company values, and finding the right kind of people are what he highlights in terms of promoting a productive company culture. Jeffrey also shares some attributes that can be measured when it comes to trust.

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Delivering Success And Company Satisfaction With Jeffrey Hayzlett

I’ve got a real treat for you. Jeffrey Hayzlett is the President, the CEO, the Founder and the brain behind C-Suite Network. He is the ex-Chief Marketing Officer of Eastman Kodak. He was even on The Celebrity Apprentice as a judge. We are going to have some amazing things to talk about. Jeffrey, welcome to the show.

Thank you, I appreciate it. It’s a pleasure to be on this show.

We had a good conversation. We were both in Vancouver and neither one of us had time to get to the other side of the city to see each other. It is nice that we were at least able to do this.

That happens to me all the time. I’m in New York City and people are in my office and I don’t have time. There is somebody that’s coming in my office and she’s looking to raise $100 million for an anti-human trafficking thing. She’s in a meeting with my team and having great meetings, but I can’t even step out during that time period. The team is scheduling bathroom breaks for me. That’s how busy we are, but it is awesome.

It is because you get to work every day and you go, “Where did the day go?” All of a sudden, it’s 6:00 at night and you’re looking around going, “Did we get to accomplish anything? We did, awesome.”

I love the fact that business gets that way. One of the things for me is I go to bed at night hoping I’ll hurry up and sleep so I can get started the next day. That’s the way I go about business. That’s the way I go about life for the most part. Business is fun. I would do it for free but getting paid is how we keep score.

It’s true. It’s a scorecard. That’s all it is. I’m with you. It’s the entrepreneurial mentality. I truly believe that it is because I hear all the time from my friends, “Thank God, it’s Friday. I get a weekend.” I’m going, “To me, Monday, Sunday, Tuesday, doesn’t matter. I’m excited to get up and see what’s next.”

My doorman when he gets home on Fridays, he says the same thing. I’m going, “It’s just a Friday because Saturday I’m working. Sunday, I’m working. I’m having a great time. I want to do that all the time.” I don’t care what day it is, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, let’s do business. Let’s have fun and let’s do some good. That’s pretty cool.

Doing good is a big part of doing a real success. As you said, money is a benchmark. It’s a stick. It’s a line in the sand to sit there. The question is, how much good are we doing? That’s what I measure myself against at the end of the day. Have I done good work? Have I helped people? Have I made other people’s lives better? If the answer is yes, I’ve had a great day.

I tried to move off my to-do list. If I have great values, I’ll get the good stuff done the way it needs to be. That’s why we lead groups in our C-Suite Network. We have things like The Hero Club, which is a value-based organization of CEOs. We have a lot of these different groups that are part of it. It’s nice to be able to watch great leaders perform and do the things they need to do.

I was watching a keynote of yours and the key topic of it was Think Big, Act Bigger, which is the name of one of your books.

It’s the third book. It’s my third bestseller because I’ve got four of them. We sold about a million copies of that book. We’re excited about it.

I’ll take whatever you paid in taxes on that.

You don’t make too much on books. Most people don’t know that you don’t make a lot of money on books. You use the books to market yourself and position yourself as a thought leader or position yourself in the marketplace. That’s what books are about. Unless you’re Michelle Obama or Tom Clancy, you’re not making a lot of money on books.

LBL Hayzlett | Delivering Success
Delivering Success: You use books to market and position yourself as a thought leader.


When I wrote my book a couple of years ago, it was to position myself as a thought leader. I’ve made far more money because of the book than I’ll ever make off the book.

That’s the name of the game. It’s a positioning tool. It’s a brand builder. It’s one of the many things that you could have in your brand. That’s one of the tools that you have. It is like, you have a podcast. I have two podcasts. Others have different ways to differentiate. I have television shows. I host a television show and that’s some of the things that we do to be able to position ourselves. Do we make a lot of money with it? When I’m on Bloomberg, I have my own primetime show or when I was a judge on The Celebrity Apprentice with Donald Trump. Those are where I was making good money. At the same time, it’s not that much. I made a lot more money being in business than I ever did in television, radio, podcasting or as a book author. It was a great tool for me to use in telling my story, which is exactly what you’re all about.

I find that it’s a great introduction. People say, “You’ve written a book.” In your case, you’ve written four books and all of them are bestsellers. These are important things.

We work hard at it. If you work hard at it, you want to get credit for it. I’ve been married for 37 years and I was engaged for two. I tell everybody that I’ve been together with my wife for 39. She likes to tell everybody it’s only been 37 years we’ve been married. I said, “I worked hard for those two years.”

If I remember correctly, I heard your story and you said when you get home, there’s the boss.

There is no doubt about it. I’m 6’3”, 270 pounds and she’s 5’11”, 105 pounds. There’s no doubt she’d kick me any day of the week.

We’re married to similar women. I’m 6’2” and I look down at my wife and I know that with one stare, she’s got me going, “No problem. We’ll do that.”

That’s what the way it should be.

You’re 37, I’m 23 years of marriage, but it’s a wonderful thing. It’s a partnership.

My wife says it’s the best eleven non-consecutive years of her life.

Let’s get into, Think Big, Act Bigger. Beyond the title of the book, it’s the philosophy behind it that I want to get into because too many people in this world don’t think big or don’t think big enough.

They don’t put in action. They come up with great ideas, but an idea without implementations is nothing but air. You see this all the time. Somebody paid me a great compliment after that book. It was a speaker conference I was at. They got up and said, “What would you like to be?” This woman got up and she said, “I would love to have the eloquence of Les Brown,” who’s a Hall of Fame speaker along with myself, and then she said, “and the swagger of Jeffrey Hayzlett.” I thought that was cool because that’s the essence. Why can’t we do things bigger, with zeros? Just because we did it this way before, why can’t we do it like this? We can. That’s my philosophy. I have an office in South Dakota. I put this on my websites because everybody always says, “Why do you have an office in South Dakota?” I said, “Because we can.” I got tired of telling everybody that.

I look at it cynically, “Because we can.” We need to sit there and look at things and go, “How can we make things better? How can we take things to the next level?” I was having a conversation with a guy and he was telling me about the fact that he’s busy. He’s going from meeting to meeting. I said, “What’s your average client worth to you?” He’s in the insurance business and the average insurance job was under $200. I said, “You’re telling me you’re taking half-hour meetings and driving all over God’s green acre for $200 meetings.” I couldn’t understand it. I came to the conclusion years ago. It’s as easy for me to do $50 to $100,000 jobs as it is for me to do $500 to $1,000 jobs. They take as much effort. The relationship marketing is exactly the same. The effort is the same. Why would you sit there and work on $500 to $1,000 projects when you can work on $50,000 to $100,000 and $500,000 to $1 million projects? There are people that think bigger than I do. I’ll fully admit that. I think that’s a salient point that we need to drive down to people that thinking small gets you small results.

Thinking small gets you small results. Share on X

With all of that, you have to decide priorities, where you want to set. I look at my schedule every day. You’re talking about that guy being busy. I am very busy but at the same time, I’ll look at my schedule. I had a whole bunch of stuff lined up and I had something that was more important. I had to complete some other business that’s better for our long-term stability and success of our business in terms of scale. It was around fundraising and bringing in an investment that I canceled everything. I have to do that. I look at every schedule every day and say, “Are the things on here going to lead me to where I want to go? Are they higher? What’s the highest priority in the use of my time? Is this the best use of my time?” Make a call, one way or the other. That’s how we do it. You’ve got to do that every single day. That’s thinking big and acting bigger. It’s being relentless about it too. You have to be relentless. You have to continually do this, continually improve, continually add zeros, continually push. That’s what successful people do.

Being successful on your terms is one thing that you said, “Money is a benchmark.” For somebody, $100 million is a great month. For some people, $100 million is a great lifetime. It’s a matter of sending and going, “What are your goals? What does success look like to you? What do you want in your life?” I’m home every night. I’ve decided years ago, I’ll build an office in my house. 95% of the nights of the year I’m home for dinner because I have young kids and it was important. It might have been that after dinner and after the kids went to sleep, I went back to work at night. It was important for me when I was starting out this business, that I was going to be home for dinner and be able to spend time with the kids. That’s how I built my business. There are ways I could have made more money. I could have traveled more. I could do everything, but what it would have done is kept me away from doing the things that for me was a success. My success was making sure that my kids knew who their dad was.

That’s your conditions of satisfaction. Most people don’t even work those out. I always talk to them about, what’s your conditions of satisfaction? What are your personal conditions of satisfaction that you have for your business? What are the five things or whatever it might be that you want to get out of the business? Even to think about that in terms of between you and your spouse or you and your children, you and your friends. What’s my mutual conditions of satisfaction? If you operate like that, that’s how we operate inside of our business. We have promised and there are performers and owners of various tasks and things that we have to do for the business. On the personal condition of satisfaction, I have three. I want to build wealth for me and my family. I want to be able to have for them the kind of life I didn’t have as they’re growing up. I didn’t have it when I was growing up. We were pretty poor. We didn’t do it without, but we didn’t have a lot. I want that to be different.

I want to learn new things. I’m always interested in doing new things. Sometimes, I get to a point where I’ve already done all these things and I don’t want to do it again. I’m not interested in doing a TV show on an ongoing basis. I want to do it in a different way. I’m not interested in doing a broadcast show because it’s a different kind of animal. I’ve done it. I’m going to do nothing but digital TV and streaming TV. I love that because I get to control my own schedule. It’s got to be fun. If it’s not fun, I don’t want to do it. Make money, learn something new and have fun. Those are my three big conditions of satisfaction.

It’s important to know what your priorities are. By knowing those things and being able to articulate those things, every decision that you make comes out of those three points. Is it going to make me the kind of money that I want for my family? Am I going to have fun doing it? Is it the type of stuff that I want to do? If the answer to that is no, then why are we doing it?

That it’s off my list. I’m not doing. That’s a no. I have that all the time. People come to my team all the time, “Jeff, let’s do this?” “No, I’m not doing it.” “It’s for this.” “No, I’m not doing it because I don’t have to and it doesn’t meet my conditions.”

How do you go about it as the organization gets larger? You drive a much larger organization than I do. How do you make sure that the mentality and those set of priorities are articulated on an ongoing basis within the organization so everybody knows what the priorities are? What are the things that are important? Who are the important customers? Where the real value is? What everybody’s marching towards?

You have to be transparent. That’s the first thing. You have radical transparency in the organization. People know about them. You talk about them. You align around your values and then your align around your conditions of satisfaction. If everybody understands that and you’re clear about it, you’re checking in, then you have great trust amongst the group. That’s what builds hero organizations, hero cultures. It’s to have an acceptance and understanding around the values. 53% of the people that work in a company don’t even know what the mission and vision of the company is. You don’t even get into the values. Even more, you don’t know the values.

First of all, let’s talk about our values as a company. Where they are and where they sit? How do you believe it? Can you articulate them? Can you articulate them back to me? Do we live in them every single day? When someone sees us do this, they understand that we should do this. Those are the things you have to put forward. You have to be straight up on it. Once you do that, it becomes part of the culture. Cultures are built over a long period of time. You can’t come in and say, “This is our culture.” You start with it and together, we all make that culture. It can only be as good as our weakest common denominator. You have to continually raise your weakest common denominator.

I have a thing that I say, “Your brand is only as strong as your unhappiest employee on their worst day.”

A brand is a promise delivered. It’s not the hours and not the typestyles. I hear people talk, “I’m working on my brand.” How about work on your promise? If you work on your promise, you got your brand.

What does your onboarding process look like? To be able to build that culture, to be able to build that brand promise, to be able to get people to understand the true values of the company and live them, it all starts from the day they walk in the door.

It starts before that. It starts with picking the people. We’re slow at hiring people. We’re probably too slow. I’ve been looking for a new person for four months. I finally found that person, but we’re still going through the process of interviewing and making sure they meet this person. With us traveling a lot, that’s the nature of the game. We spend a long time finding the right people and then once we get the right people, then the system itself should take care of a lot of the indoctrination.

LBL Hayzlett | Delivering Success
Delivering Success: What builds hero organizations and hero cultures is having acceptance and understanding around values.


Do you have a mentorship program or a buddy system?

We have a little bit of that. Probably not as formal as it needs to be. We are always doing what we call culture talks. We’re doing talks amongst ourselves. We lead The Hero Club. We make every single CEO sign a pledge. Our employees have to sign a pledge that they’re going to operate in the same manner. People are articulated at leading it. The best way to do is to lead that by example, continue to check in with people and make the right things happen. That’s a big part. We even have an NFG, New Freaking Guy. I usually say a different word but that’s what it is.

That’s a guy or a girl. It’s not a hazing process. What we do is whoever the new person is and somebody yells, “What are we going to have?” We do a lot of things where we buy pizzas or subs for lunch or Indian food and meals. A lot of times, five guys. Here in New York, we like to go for rice pudding and the NFG. Even if you’re the vice president of such and such but you’re the NFG, until the new person comes on board, you’re the one that’s got to get that. It’s a servant mentality of how we serve up everybody and there’s no job that’s beneath any of us to go and do.

I heard you even include cleaning the toilets.

I cleaned the toilets all the time. I own the building so it’s helpful that I do that, but more importantly, I like to clean the bathroom. If I can do that, there’s nothing you can’t do.

If the chairman of the board is sitting there cleaning toilets, it’s hard to say, “I’m not going to do this.”

We even have a company apartment that when people were staying in a certain city they use, who do you think cleans that? It’s me. Some of our other team members, they understand that and they help out. They pitch in too. They strip the beds and throw the sheets in the washing machine. They get stuff going before they leave. That’s a good practice. That’s telling people that we have the right kinds of people that do stuff like that. They empty the garbage cans. You don’t have to ask. You wake up and it’s done. It’s awesome.

Years ago, I used to hire MBAs. The first thing we used to do is put them down in the mailroom for two weeks. You quickly got the difference between the people who got it and said, “You’ve got to learn every job that’s in the company,” and the people said, “How dare you, I have an MBA.” The people who said, “How dare you, I’ve got an MBA,” usually didn’t last that long on the company.

You’ve got an MBA but you don’t know where the copy machine is.

You don’t know how to use it.

I’m the guy that knows that. How’s that? I love that.

It was great for culture building to be able to sit there and it wasn’t a hazing thing. It was more the fact of getting people to understand that there is no job that doesn’t need to be understood. The employee that understands what finance, ops, sales, marketing, and shippers are doing and can articulate on a regular basis, “I get what they do and why they do it.” That’s a much stronger employee because they have more of a 360 view of the company. They understand how the different departments work together.

That’s the way it should be.

Your brand is only as strong as your unhappiest employee on their worst day. Share on X

Tell me about Caitlin’s Law. I love hearing the story about Caitlin’s Law.

That’s the first story in the book. I’m telling somebody the same story. I had this young woman by the name of Caitlin who came to work for us. She was an unbelievably talented young woman who I’d picked out of an audience. She’d been tweeting about me for weeks before I got to this group. I was reading my social feed. I’m seeing her and I’m going, “I want to know this young woman.” This was an advertising student group. It was a marketing, advertising group. I was looking for young talent as I always do. I look for great talent and here she is tweeting and tweeting. I ended up hiring her. I remember being at the speech, I said, “Where is Caitlin?” She raised her hand. I said, “Will you come to see me because you tweeted to me? You were socially active. You were posting. I noticed that and I want to talk to you about coming in to work for us.” That’s how she got started. That tells you something that she has very good initiatives.

One day, I was about to leave the office to go and meet with a potential client because we own another company called TallGrass, which stands for if you want to run with the big dogs, you’ve got to pee in the tall grass. That’s a strategic marketing and social media PR. I was going to meet with them and they were taking the company public and we were getting it ready. Five minutes before we go, she stops by my desk and says, “Jeff, should we take some color copies of the presentation?” I said, “Should we? Caitlin, here’s the deal. You can ask me any 21 questions you want. What’s the best train to take crosstown? Where’s the best place for Indian food? What’s the best Italian restaurant? What’s the meaning of life? You can ask me any question you want, business, personal, whatever but you only get 21. Now you’re asking me a question, is this one of your questions?”

She goes, “I don’t think so.” I said, “Good career move because if I have to answer that, what do I need you for? I hired you because you’re a big dog and here you are asking me a question that you already know the answer to.” I said, “Let me ask you, we’re leaving in three and a half minutes. Do you have time to make copies?” She goes, “No.” I said, “Get away from me. Don’t ever ask me another question like that again.” Most of us know the answers. Most people come to us and say, “That’s not in the budget. We don’t have this or this.” If it’s a priority, make it happen. If it’s supposed to happen, find the budget. It’s like, “We changed the budget. We have a budget. I didn’t even know we had one.”

It’s a matter of instilling trust in your people and say, “Here’s what I expect from you. This is what the mission, the vision, the values of the company are. This is what we’re trying to achieve, go.” The great people rise to that. The great people sit there and say, “I know that I’m going to make mistakes. I know that I could do something wrong, but if I’m always going to do it within the thought process of I’m trying to take care of the customer and I’m trying to take care of the business.” Most great leaders are going to say, “You made a mistake. What did we learn from it?” Those are the people that you want to work for. You want to work for the people that don’t look at you and the finger doesn’t come out and say, “How dare you.” The finger comes out and says, “What did we learn and how do we move forward?”

Trust has an interesting component. Trust has three equal parts. One is sincerity. I’m always going to grant you the sincerity that you’re trying hard. You’re doing what you need to do or you have the right mindset about it. The next two steps are reliability and competency. I’m going to judge you based on those two. Are you reliable? Are you competent? I’ve watched people who are competent but not be reliable. I’ve watched people who are reliable but not be competent. They’ll screw it up every single time. Those are the attributes that we measure against when it comes to trust.

I believe the same thing. My attitude is, “You mess up, did you learn from it? Let’s figure it out.” If you do it over and over again, that’s when we have a serious problem.

Think Big, Act Bigger: The Rewards of Being Relentless. That’s what it’s all about.

Talk to me about clock changes.

When I was at Kodak, I showed up a week early. One of the things I did was I wanted to test the metals of my team. What I did was I went around. I had this one meeting room. I was meeting everybody and getting a download. Here I am running a $17 billion marketing budget on $187 billion of gross revenue at the time. I was trying to figure out what’s what? How do I move this thing? I’ve got to move the needle fast. The average lifespan of a CMO at that time was eighteen months. The second you hit the floor, you see a dead CMO walking. I had to move things quickly and Kodak was on a downward spiral at the time. We needed to stop the hemorrhaging.

What I did was I got to the room early and I changed the clock. I moved it ahead by twenty minutes. That way when people come in, they look at the clock and look at their watch. They looked at the clock and saw that it was wrong. I wanted to see what they would do because they’d start complaining about other clocks in other buildings, rooms and so forth. They start telling me how they needed to form a little task force for this. Someone’s going to call somebody to go and fix it. This went on for a couple of weeks. Those same groups coming in and they’d come back in because I was having these meetings every day. We had to move stuff. This is like in dire straits.

I finally got ticked off because they were complaining about it. I said, “Why doesn’t somebody do something?” A woman got up who worked for me and she fixed her dress a little bit, put up her chair underneath the clock, stood on the chair and changed the clock. I immediately hired her as my chief of staff the next day. That’s a true story. It was a position I created because this is a woman who gets stuff done. She doesn’t mess around. Once she felt she had permission, she went, “Let’s give everybody permission.” Everybody’s got permission to be a clock changer. If you see a piece of paper on the ground when you’re working in the business, pick it up. You see something that needs to be changed, change it. Nobody’s asking you for permission. There’s no permission. I don’t even understand that when people start asking me about that.

Years ago, I was in the direct mail business. I received a phone call at 11:00 at night from a pressman. I’ve never met this guy before. He’s a junior press guy and been on the job a few weeks. It’s a 120-page catalog and we’re running 250,000 pieces. He gives me a call and I had gone off. I had signed off about an hour earlier and I was out maybe having a late dinner or something like that. He said, “Something is wrong. I shut the press down. You need to come back in here.” I went, “What is it?” “I was reading this over and the name of the company is spelled wrong.” I made sure this guy got a $25,000 bonus. This guy took the initiative and sat there and said, “There’s something wrong.” Instead of running it and saying, “It looked right. It is not my problem.” He took the thing to shut down a press, which is not an easy thing to do, especially those things that are running 50,000 to 55,000 sheets an hour. The waste that’s created when you shut one of those things down is incredible.

LBL Hayzlett | Delivering Success
Delivering Success: Trust comes with sincerity, reliability, and competency.


The setup time, the restart time, you have to reshoot new plates. It’s a lot of work.

This guy realized that the name of the client was spelled wrong. He caught it and five other people who signed off on this didn’t. That guy took the initiative when it did. This was many years ago and he’s still working at that press. He’s the head pressman now. He’s the guy who trains people. He said, “Don’t ever be afraid to shut down a press.” It is amazing to me when you treat your staff with respect. If you give them the authority and you give them the trust, the amazing things that they can do for you. My question to you is, what’s the best lesson you ever learned from somebody else? What was the one thing that made you go, “This changed my life?”

I have all those kinds of moments there. Every day they happen in what I do. It’s always the early mentors. Each one teaches you something different. There are many people who have helped me along the way, but the one that I’ll bring to bear that I thought was cool is Michael Connor. He passed a few years ago. I bought a printing shop from Mike. Since we’re talking about printing. It was a little quick print and copy shop. We had two locations. I was the biggest in the area and bought the company because I was doing about half of his business. I was sending it to him. I thought, “I should buy you then.” He taught me the value of a Z out. For those of you young people who haven’t worked in retail or haven’t done a cash register, you don’t know what I’m talking about. A Z out is what you would do when you have a manual cash register back then. You turn the key to the Z and you hit the button. It added up all the receipts for the day.

What that did was then I know what my sales total was for the day. That was the greatest thrill I had. Even if I wasn’t in the office, I would call and say, “What’s the Z out?” This is before email and those kinds of things. I’d keep running ledger. I knew exactly what I had to do each and every day, the average per day for that month compared it to the average of last month, compared to the quarter, our running total for the year. I know exactly how much I have to sell every day in order to hit my goal for not only the week, the month, the year. Hopefully, that leads to my profitability and everything else. I know what the value of that is every single day. That would be it.

That’s something that most people would never think about because they’d go, “I want to make $10 million this year.”

$10 million a year divided by, if you’re working by the hour, that’s 20, 80. If it’s by the year, then it’s about 250 because you’ve got to take off 102 weekends. Most of you aren’t going to work that hard and for me, it’d be 365.

Maybe 364 because you’d take Christmas day off.

Not much there either, but I do take time off, let’s be clear. At the same time, we got to understand that some of us use that effectively. I’d have to figure out for $10 million, I’d have to gross $50,000 a day. To do that, that’s what I’d have to do.

There are few people out there that are going to break it down to sit there and say, “What do I need to do?”

I got to tell you what it is because my number is $60,000 a day. That’s what we’re trying to do. That’s incremental revenue to what we already do. What I’m trying to do is an extra $60,000 to have incremental revenue.

I want to talk to you quickly about the C-Suite Network because that’s probably the best thing that we haven’t talked about yet. That’s the latest, the greatest. Tell me a little bit about the C-Suite Network and how people can get in touch with you?

You can reach out to Hayzlett Jeffrey on any social media platform. If you go to C-SuiteNetwork.com, you can find us there. It’s a networking organization for 350,000 trusted executives. We have C-Suite Network Advisors. Those people who are advisors to that particular network, coaches, trainers, thought leaders. We have podcasters with C-Suite Radio. We have television shows with C-Suite TV. We have books with C-Suite Book Club. We have all these different products that we typically have and services that we then serve that particular market, which is those businesses that are greater than $2.5million, you have to be a VP or higher. That’s who we serve.

Here’s the last question. This is what I ask everybody as they leave the show. When you leave a meeting and you get in your car and you drive away, what’s the one thing you want people to think about you when you’re not in the room?

This guy delivers success. That’s what it’s all about. That’s what it is. I can touch them in that way. Hopefully, it’s motivation, inspirational, educational and all those that you can feel. That’s what I want people to do.

Jeffrey, thank you for being an amazing guest. I loved having you here. We unpacked an enormous amount of stuff and I got to sit back and read this again because I’m sure there’s some real gold in there even I missed.

Thank you very much. It’s a pleasure.


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About Jeffrey Hayzlett

Jeffrey Hayzlett is a primetime television host of C-Suite with Jeffrey Hayzlett and Executive Perspectives on C-Suite TV, and business podcast host of All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett on C-Suite Radio. He is a global business celebrity, speaker, best-selling author, and Chairman and CEO of C-Suite Network, home of the world’s most trusted network of C-Suite leaders. Hayzlett is a well-traveled public speaker, former Fortune 100 CMO, and author of four best-selling business books: Think Big, Act Bigger: The Rewards of Being Relentless, Running the Gauntlet, The Mirror Test and The Hero Factor: How Great Leaders Transform Organizations and Create Winning Cultures. Hayzlett is one of the most compelling figures in business today and an inductee into the National Speakers Association’s Speaker Hall of Fame.

As a leading business expert, Hayzlett is frequently cited in Forbes, SUCCESS, Mashable, Marketing Week and Chief Executive, among many others. He shares his executive insight and commentary on television networks like Bloomberg, MSNBC, Fox Business, and C-Suite TV. Hayzlett is a former Bloomberg contributing editor and primetime host, and has appeared as a guest celebrity judge on NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice with Donald Trump for three seasons. He is a turnaround architect of the highest order, a maverick marketer and c-suite executive who delivers scalable campaigns, embraces traditional modes of customer engagement, and possesses a remarkable cachet of mentorship, corporate governance, and brand building.

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