I AM BenBaker

Did you know your promotion was considered a child’s toy?

This year I have posted a few blog posts on the CCPSA, the Canadian Consumer Product Safety Act.    This Act, like it’s American counterpart the CPSIA, Consumer Protection Safety Improvement Act, was designed and enacted, amoungst other things,  with children’s safety in mind.   It was designed to bring about new regulations that better regulated the production and importation of children’s toys into the US and Canada.     What they seem to lack clarity on is how promotional marketing campaigns will be affected by these rules and regulations.

For example, a water bottle with a corporate logo falls into one category, while the same exact water bottle, with the same exact logo on one side and a picture of Dora the Explorer (for example) on the other falls into a completely different category.

With this differentiation, different product testing, lead content regulations, safety regulations and much more need to be considered and adhered to.

It is our role as marketing professionals to stay on top of these changes and build strong relationships with suppliers that are pro-active and knowledgable as to what these changes are.  Here is an online resource called Turbotest that we use to understand which tests need to be run for specific products.

A great supply partner of ours is Prime Resources, their CEO Rick Brenner is at the forefront of understanding and blogging about what we need to be doing to keep our clients informed and your clients safe.

I recommend for great reading on the subject, Rick’s blog.

Please allow us to work with you to ensure that the campaigns we create together are not only effective, but comply with these ever changing rules and regulations.

In the end, we are always here to Get YOU Noticed! in a positive way.