I AM BenBaker

What does exceptional service REALLY look like?

traffic jam on the extra mile by Roger Staubach


In the 1980’s I worked as a busboy and then finally graduated to being a waiter at one of the best restaurants in Vancouver.   The place was small, exclusive and prided itself on its exceptional service and its loyal clientele.

We had a gentleman who had his own table, his own wine in the cellar and spent nearly $30K a month with us each and every month.   When I asked him why he was so loyal to us, the answer was the service.   He knew that we would accommodate his every request and his guests, whether he was with them or not, would be taken care of.

Now, no one started working in this restaurant as a waiter.   Everyone learned as a busboy, no matter what restaurant you came from and the level of service was ingrained in you from day one.   It was all about being exceptional.   About understanding client needs, even if they were unaware of them, and taking care of them.   This is where I came from and this is what I believe today.

Unfortunately, this level of service is something you rarely see in 2016.   We are not trained by an older generation and the thought process of take care of the customer, no matter what, seems foreign to many today.

My point in saying all of this is BE EXCEPTIONAL!   Take the time to do the little things that make you stand out.   Anticipate what problems may happen and make sure they do not.   Listen with an open ear, understand what the challenge is and do what it takes to make things right.

As we move back to a world where experiential marketing and personal gratification become more and more present, being the person who can stand out from the crowd, gives reason for people to talk about you and your brand.

What are you doing TODAY to be exceptional and what will you do TOMORROW to be even better?