I AM BenBaker

Understand the Value of Multiple Marketing Tactics For Better Brand Awareness!

One of my guilty pleasures is that I post quite frequently on a Linkedin Group that has some of the brightest minds in the Promotional Marketing Industry as part of its membership.   These are major suppliers in the industry, top rated marketers and trade organization executives.

What I like about this group is that they discuss problems critically, argue passionately from their point of view and are open to look at opposing viewpoints.

Today, the discussion came up regarding President Barack Obama’s mandate to reduce the use of promotional products within the Federal Government by 20%.    This will affect thousands of people and hundreds of jobs within the United States, but that is far from being my point.

My point is that the lobbyists within the Promotional Marketing Industry have gotten it all wrong.   Instead of focussing on lost revenue, they should be demonstrating on how utilizing a lower cost, but more effective medium, can increase brand awareness and return on investment.      True dollars spent by the Federal Government on Promotional Marketing items is a very small percentage of their overall marketing spend.   It is their perception that this spend does not provide ROI that has led to this decision.   This perception could not be further from the truth.  It has been proven time and again that promotional marketing items, if used properly to support the brand initiatives, create better recall and spur call to action better than any other medium on a dollar cost averaging basis.   For further information on this, please see the following studies.

Promotional Marketing, like any other medium, is not a magic bullet.   It is a tool that should be used in concert with other tools, including social media, direct mail, mass media and others to build brand awareness and move people towards a desired call to action.

There is value in all types of marketing.   Each is a tool that appeals to different audiences.   By using different tools in concert you can capture a greater market share.  Be creative, get people’s attention and tell a better story of why your organization provides value in the marketplace.   In the end, isn’t it all about Getting YOU Noticed?

As we move through these uncertain economic times, everyone needs to market to survive.  It is those who understand how to develop strategic marketing plans, utilizing the best mediums to support the brand within budget constraints, that will ultimately succeed.

Let us help you on that journey.