I AM BenBaker

Growing your Twitter Community through adding Value!

We were very lucky to stumble across this webinar put on by Twitter and Hubspot last week.


“You’ll leave this webinar with an always-on marketing strategy that takes advantage of Twitter’s unique capabilities. By growing a community that’s primed to respond to your promotions and offers, you’ll be be ready to tap into the huge seasonal opportunity on Twitter — and then carry your momentum through the rest of the year.”

It focusses on creating strategies for retail, in the 4th quarter, however, you can use the ideas within this webinar for both B2B and B2C.

It will help you, to quote David Brier, RISE ABOVE THE NOISE!

Click HERE, or on the image above, to be taken to the webinar and login using [email protected].

We would love to know what you think and how this webinar has helped Get YOU Noticed!