I AM BenBaker

How do you keep up with the information revolution?

I am planning on attending the Social Media Marketing Unplugged conference at SFU Jan 29th and when I went to register, this video hit me square between the eye balls.

It really made me think, how do you keep up with the information revolution or can you?  The spread of information is getting faster and more diverse on a daily basis.  If I ignore my twitter feed for an hour, I could come back to 100+ new tweets.  .  . but how many are relevant?

If those of us in marketing are thinking this, what does the average consumer think of the information overload?   And with that question in mind, how do we put forth messaging that is clear and concise and is in  sync with those we wish to influence?

I may not have an answer handy, but that is the thought that should be going through eveyone’s mind when designing a new campaign or program.

How do you develop information that sifts through the constant noise and resonates with the desired audience?

I look forward to your thoughts and comments.
