I AM BenBaker

How do you market for a moment in time?

One of my key suppliers sent me this video over the weekend and it got me thinking. . .  how do you market for a moment in time?

Sam Harris – It Is Always Now

How do we obtain the attention of those we wish to influence and have them focus, to understand the value that we are trying to deliver in a world that is full of so many distractions?

How do we as marketers help develop a strategy to help people understand how the product or service we represent matters in the every day life of those we wish to communicate with?

How do we go about understanding what is relevant to the audience we wish to influence and tailor our messaging in a language that they not only understand, but can relate to?

Marketing has focussed too much over the last number of decades in creating noise that shouts above the others to the point where everyone has become deaf and numb to the shouting.    It is our belief that to influence decisions, moving forward, marketers must take the time to understand how various segments of society wish to be communicated with and and in what tone.   By listening first, analyzing critically and then developing strategies of engagement that are real and relevant, marketers have a much better chance of developing relationships with their audience that lead to long term return on investment.

Let’s work together to Get YOU Noticed! in a way that your intended audience can relate to.