I AM BenBaker

How Finding Your Why Awakens Your Passion With Gary Sanchez

LBL Gary | Finding Your Why


Finding your why is the missing key that will help your business take off. Ben Baker’s guest today is Gary Sanchez, the founder of WHY Institute. Gary shares with Ben the two most important lessons he learned in his journey. The first is if you talk about what you do you’ll blend in with everybody who does what you do. The second is if you talk about why you do what you do, you stand out from everybody who does what you do. Eager to find out your why? Then this episode’s for you. Tune in!

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LBL Kevyn Rustici | Human Resources

How Finding Your Why Awakens Your Passion With Gary Sanchez

Thank you, my wonderful audience, for coming back week after week. You guys are amazing. Thank you for engaging with me on social media. Thank you for your emails. It’s [email protected]. Keep telling me what you like. Keep telling me the guest that you’d like to have. We’ll do what we can to make sure that we answer the questions that you have because that’s what it’s all about. I’ve got another guest for you that came out of some conversation with a friend of mine about Simon Sinek, about Start with Why. Gary and I introduced ourselves to each other. What he does is fascinating. We have Gary Sanchez, who is the Founder of the WHY Institute. We’re going to talk about finding your why and what it enables you to do. Gary, welcome to the show.

LBL Gary | Finding Your Why
Finding Your Why: When you talk about why you do what you do, you stand out from everybody else who does what you do. What you do will have more impact, more meaning, more focus, more direction.


Ben, thank you. I’m excited to be here. This is going to be fun.

We’ve had a couple of conversations that I enjoyed. I love your energy. I love your passion. I love where you came from. Let’s talk about this. You’re a recovering dentist. Are you still a dentist or are you a recovering dentist?

Yes. I retired, so I’m recovering right now. I am this whole concept of WHY started for me several years ago as a dentist. When I got out of dental school, the advice that I was given at that time was to build a great product and people will come. I’m guessing a lot of your audience has probably read that. Go out and do the best job that you can. People will naturally and mysteriously find out about you. Your business will take off. Have you heard that, Ben?

There’s a movie called Field of Dreams. I shake my head every time I see it. It’s a fun romp, but I don’t buy it.

That’s what I did. I spent many years building a beautiful facility, all the latest technology, well-trained team. I trained myself to go to the highest levels that you could get to in dentistry. We did create a great product. I can tell you that having a great product was not enough. My practice kept getting more refined and smaller. I found that people didn’t want to go out and talk about their teeth. They didn’t want to go to a party and say, “Look at the nice new crowns Dr. Sanchez made for me.” They want someone to say, “You got a great smile,” then say thank you.

Go out and do the best job that you can. People will naturally and mysteriously find out about you. Share on X

I became disillusioned with this. That’s when I heard of this concept of why by Simon Sinek. Everybody’s heard of that book. They’ve seen his TED Talk. They know about the why, how and what. I was one of those people. It was the piece that I felt that I was missing. I didn’t have. I became obsessed then with discovering my why. I said, “That’s what I need. I have to know my why.” That concept that he came up with is awesome. Why, how, what, that’s awesome. What do you do with it? If you don’t know your why, how valuable is that?

I called Simon. I said, “Simon, I need you to help me discover my why.” Back then, he said, “That’s not what I do, but let’s see what we can come up with.” He and I spent about eight months together, going back through my life looking for clues and finally figured out my why. My why is to find a better way and then share it. That is what my life has always been about, finding better ways to do things and sharing them with the world. I’ve got lots of patents, products and inventions that are all better ways of doing things.

I invented a chair for people. I’m sitting in it right now. It’s a chair for people that sit all the time called the HealthChair that forms itself to you instead of you forming yourself to it. There are lots of other things I could talk about. My life has always been about finding better ways. Since that’s the case, I took what I learned from Simon, which is our why. I applied it to the messaging, marketing and branding of our dental practice. I practice with my brother. We went from getting by to having abundance. We went from 4 to 6 new patients a month to 35 to 45 new patients a month. In our practice, a new patient is worth about $6,000 with the type of dentistry that we do. It had a huge impact for us, most fun, satisfaction, revenue, which is great. Abundance is way more fun than getting by.

As a result, I started getting other dentists calling me and saying, “How did you do that? Can you help me do that?” I had to figure out the processes and the systems for what I did and then teach them to other dentists. I would sit down with somebody. Since my why is to find a better way, I found a better way to do it than what Simon was doing. Instead of taking 6 or 8 or 10 months, I could help someone discover their why in about an hour. I’d sit down with you, Ben and ask you a series of questions to have you tell me stories. We would look for clues. I would be able to figure out your why with you and then I would help you build your messaging, marketing, branding, culture, all based on your why so that it was authentic to you. You would attract the right new customers or clients or patients because of that. I started doing that with dentists.

I then started getting calls from lawyers, chiropractors, financial companies. The business has started getting bigger and bigger. I’ve done this with over 60,000 people and over 500 companies, helping them get clear on who are they. How do you articulate the message? How do you build your brand based on your why, so that it’s real and authentic? That was the quick version. You would never think that a dentist would do that. I wouldn’t think I would either. That’s how it all played out. I didn’t want to do this. I didn’t start it to start another company. It happened that way.

It’s interesting because you get into your why of how to find a better way. You started that and said, “We’re going to make our dental practice the best it can be.” It’s that “build it and they will come” mentality. The problem with build it and they will come mentality is you’re building it because you think it’s a great idea. Most people don’t check to find out if other people think it’s a good idea. That’s the challenge of most business owners, entrepreneurs, inventors. They sit there and say, “A twelve slice toaster, I love it. I think it’s great. It’s the greatest thing. I’ve got seven kids. A twelve slice toaster is the best thing in the world.” The problem is, is there a market for it? Are there other people who need it? Do other people have the same pain point that you do? Are other people going to see it in the same way that you do?

LBL Gary | Finding Your Why
Finding Your Why: When you connect to somebody at the level of the limbic brain, the inner part of the brain, that’s the part of the brain that’s responsible for feelings, like loyalty, and trust.


Finding your why is so important because that enables you to understand what do I do? Why do I do it? Who do I do it for? Why do these people care? How can I make their lives better? That’s an interesting thing. I’d love to get into that. Where do we go from here? Once you understand your why, this is what I was put on the earth to do. This is what my reason for being is. This is my jam. This is what I’m good at. This is my superpower. Now, how do I put this in such a way that this particular audience who I can help and I know needs my help gets it? I’m able to help them. How do you help people take them to that next level? That’s where the real secret sauce is. It’s not just knowing yourself. It’s knowing your audience and being able to turn that from an idea to cash.

Here are two of the most important lessons that I learned in that journey. The first one is when you talk about what you do, or what you have, or what you’re selling, you blend in with everybody else who does what you do or has what you have. If I go to a party and I say, “I’m a dentist.” “Great.” What comes to your mind right away that I’m a dentist? Whatever comes to your mind. Blend in with everybody else who does what you do. I have twenty years of the highest level of education you can get to an expertise and I say, “I’m a dentist.” I’ll hear somebody say, “My nephew is a dentist, too. He got out of dental school. He’s just like you are.” I’m like, “Not really.” If all you do is talk about what you have or what you do, you blend in with everybody else.

The second lesson is when you talk about why you do what you do, you stand out from everybody else who does what you do. What you do will have more impact, more meaning, more focus, more direction. Instead of saying I’m a dentist, I could say something like, “I believe that when you have your health, you have a thousand dreams. When you don’t, you have one.” Now we’re having a completely different conversation because I’m talking about why I do what I do. At our practice, we believe that when you have great teeth, you’ll have a better life. You can’t have a good life if you have bad teeth.

The conversations are completely different. When you talk about what you believe and your why is what you believe, that’s how you articulate it. The only thing you get out of this conversation is talking about what you believe versus what you have. That in itself will separate you from everybody else. Here’s what makes a great client. If they believe what you believe, then you’re the right person for them and they’re the right client for you. If you don’t even know what you believe, you can’t articulate that, how will you attract the person that believes what you believe if they don’t even know what it is?

If you're trying to figure out who you are, the very first step you take is discovering your why. Share on X

Your message has to talk about what you believe. Let me give you another example. When Apple launched the iPad 3, it was the most successful launch in history. They made $2.5 billion in a weekend. They started their launch video by not talking about what they had, but about what they believe. They said, “We believe that technology is at its best when it’s invisible. When you’re only conscious of what you’re doing, and not the device you’re doing it on.” They went to tell you how they develop that. Lastly, they said this is our tablet PC called an iPad. If you believe what they believe that technology is at its best when it’s invisible, this is the right product for you. If you don’t believe it, that’s okay, too. You aren’t their customer, and that’s good. Either way, it’s a win.

It’s taking it beyond the product or the service that you provide and sitting there and saying, “How do I enable you to succeed? How do I enable you to reach your goals, your passions, to fill your needs, alleviate your fears, build on your passions?” If we can do that, if we can show people how we understand them, we need to understand them. We need to care about the people that we’re talking to. Be able to sit there and say, “I believe what you believe, or we believe something that’s similar. There’s a reason to have a conversation so we can move forward together.” Do I understand that correctly?

Yes. They’ll say, “Tell me more.” That’s what you’re looking for because you know they’re now interested instead of you forcing something or force-feeding them. They now want you to talk to them about that, totally different types of conversation. For your audience, let me continue a little bit further in my story so that they know where we ended up and where we are right now. I started helping other people discover their why, and then use it in their business or personal life or whatever direction they were trying to go. In doing that, I also became obsessed with helping other people discover their why. I started doing this for anybody who would let me. If you were sitting next to me on an airplane, you’re going to get your why discovered. If you remember what I do, if you’re sitting in my dental chair waiting to get numb, you’re going to get your why discovered. I did this thousands of times as a dentist. As a very busy dentist now, I spent 10,000 hours doing why discoveries for free for anybody that would let me.

As I did that, I started to notice patterns, trends and similarities. I figured out that there are only nine different whys. That was the most important thing that I discovered. Once I saw that there were nine whys, I could help you discover your why in about fifteen minutes. I could train and coach other professionals on how to do the same thing. I started getting lots of data. With that data, I was able to develop the algorithm and write the software, where you can now go online and discover your why in about five minutes. There are about 1,500 possible question options, but you’ll only have to answer about 10 to 15 questions to discover your why. It’s super accurate, very easy to use. Somebody from age ten on could discover their why. That would be the very first step.

If someone’s reading this and they’re trying to figure themselves out, if you’re trying to figure out who you are, the very first step you take is discovering your why. All the rest will make so much more sense to you, all those other assessments that are good and valuable. Disc, Myers-Briggs, Kolbe, StrengthsFinder, they’re great assessments, but those are how you take action and not why you take action. Once you know your why, all the rest make sense. The question you were asking at the beginning, Ben, was now I know my why, what do you do with it? What’s the next step? There are two directions to go.

The first one is, do you know what you want to do with your life or do you not know what you want to do with your life? If you know what you want to do with your life, and you’re already doing it, then I can show you how to take your why and use it to build your messaging, marketing, branding, culture, all based on your why, so that it’s real and authentic. It’s exactly what you’ve been trying to say or wanting to say so that you attract the right people to you. If you don’t know what you want to do with your life, if you’re reading this right now, and you say, “I feel lost. I don’t feel like I’m in the right space. I don’t know that what I’m doing is what I should be doing,” here’s the secret. If what you choose to do with your life is in line with your why, you will have passion for what you do. That is where passion comes from.

Passion is the fuel that gives you the energy to pursue your dreams. Without passion, you don’t have energy. You run out of juice, and you give up. But with passion, you can go through almost anything. If what you do is in line with why you do what you do, you will have passion for what you do. That’s where you fit. That’s the direction you should go. That’s where you’re going to love it. That’s where it’s going to be in your lane. That’s when you’re going to love every minute of what you’re doing. That’s where that fork comes.

It’s very interesting because we’re looking at two very diverse groups of people. They are either in business or at a stage of their life where they get who they are. They get either themselves or their company. Who are their customers? What do they do? Why they do it? They have to sit there and realize you need to articulate it. You need to articulate it not only consistently but in the language that your audience gets. You need to sit there and say, “If I’m speaking to engineers, I’m going to speak in a completely different way than if I’m speaking to dentists or lawyers or 85-year-old grandmothers.” We need to sit there and keep the why consistent, but be able to take that particular why, communicate it in language, meaning and actions that resonate with the audience that we’re trying to attract. That’s how we get them to get it. If we only speak in one tongue, in the language in between our ears, we will understand it, but the vast majority of the people that we’re trying to articulate to won’t get it. Is that what you’re trying to say?

Can we use you as an example?

Absolutely. I’m an open book.

Ben took the why discovery. His why came up as mastery. Mastery is the rarest why. It is a very fascinating why. People with the why of mastery love diving in deep, knowing the details, the nuances. They’re very much about nuances. When you think about that, Ben, how does that fit you? Talk about an area of your life where you would dive in deep and you know a lot about it.

One of the things that I know a lot about is podcasting. It’s something that I do all the time. I not only run this podcast, but I run a variety of different podcasts. I also make sure that I’m on 50 other podcasts a year of different levels of podcasters, from well-known and famous podcasters down to raw individuals that are starting in the industry, because I want to find out how do other people run their podcasts. What questions do they ask? What’s their cadence? How long do they have their podcasts? What research do they do on me? What is their intake like? What type of things are they asking me for? “Wait a second here. That was a neat forum. I like that. Maybe I’ll incorporate that moving forward.” It enables me to sit there and say, “How do we create the nuts and bolts in the processes to make my podcast better?”

LBL Gary | Finding Your Why
Finding Your Why: Your life will make so much more sense to you when you know your why.


My attitude is I’ve been podcasting for a few years now. I believe over 270 episodes. It’s only getting better. If you look at where I was a few years ago versus where I am now, it’s night and day in terms of my interview style, the level of guests that I have, my production quality, everything is up. In another 270 episodes, I’ll look back and be embarrassed by these ones because I’ll be at a completely different level. I look at this as there is no finish line. This is a continually learning thing, and it’s enabled me to create a course on podcasting at YourSuccessfulPodcast.com/launch. It has enabled me to lecture on podcasting. It enabled me to be on focus groups on podcasting. What I do is I’m always out there talking to different podcasters, sit there and say, “What are you doing that I’m not doing?” Let’s talk about mics, lighting, canes, voice, different techniques, and different things that are happening in the industry. I can always find out something new. It’s a continual conversation and I’ll never run out of subjects. I don’t consider myself an expert, but I’m always learning.

Let’s talk about that for a minute. How many people reading this? Do you think it’s going to be on 50 podcasts for the purpose of finding out what those other 50 people are doing? Probably 2%. Very few people will do that. That’s the essence. If Ben starts his podcast episodes by talking about what he believes, I believe it’s the nuances, the small things, the little tips and tricks that are going to make the big difference that are going to push you over the finish line. I search out those nuances and bring them to my audience, so they can make those big strides and get where they want to go. Now we’re having a different conversation than I host a podcast. That’s what you believe and why I would choose you as somebody that I want to listen to because of what you believe, not because you have a podcast. I can find a podcast anywhere. The reason I would choose you is because of your why. The better able you are to articulate that, the more the right person is going to be listening to you that will appreciate and value that about you. Somebody who wants simple, “Give me the basics,” they’re going to not like you. That’s okay.

There are way more people in this world that will have never heard my name, know who I am, and no idea of what I do than there is. If I have 1/10 of 1% of the world population that knows who I am, knows what I do, and cares about me, I’ve done pretty well in my life. I’m okay with that. I don’t need to be 50 million downloads every single week because that’s not who I am. That’s not what I’m doing this show for. I’m doing this show for 200 people that care about elevating their game, making their businesses better and are looking for tips every single week to be able to be a better version of themselves. Those 200 people will tell 200 people, which will tell 200 people. My podcast grows episode after episode. In the end, it’s focusing on individuals and sits there going, “How do I help them and let them bring people like them to the table?” Those people become my tribe. Those are the people that I can care about. Those are the people that can care about me. Those are the people that I can help.

Another benefit of knowing your why is it helps you to understand who it is you’re looking for. You’re not looking for everybody. You’re looking for those people that are looking for mastery, to do it at a higher level, to up their game, for the nuances, for the details. Those little things that other people don’t notice. The little things that you’ve picked up from being on 50 shows a year. Those are your ideal client. You’re looking for people that are looking for mastery, who you want. As you’re able to articulate that, it allows your audience to raise their hand and say, “That is me. I know four other people like me that would love this.” You’ll teach them how to talk about you. They then can sell for you other than wondering, “Why does he do that?” If you don’t tell them what you believe, then you leave it up to hope. I hope I say enough things that they get who I am versus just telling them. Your podcast is proof of what it is you believe.

Your story builds champions because they get internal hooks. They become emotionally involved. They sit there and realize that you are speaking to them. Therefore, you matter to them and they matter to you. Because of that, they’re going to turn around and tell people like them. It’s Seth Godin. People like us do things like this. If you can find the people like you who do the things that you do, or you can relate to the people and understand what they do and help them do it better, they’re going to want to be part of your tribe.

They’re going to want you as part of their tribe. All of a sudden, they become advocates for your brand without you having to spend hundreds, if not thousands, if not millions of dollars on advertising to be able to get people. All they’re interested in is a cheaper price. Now you have people that understand your why. You understand their why you understand where. They’re going with their hopes, wants, needs, fears and desires. You could help them achieve their goals. Price doesn’t matter because you have proven that you care about them, and you want to help them become the best version of themselves.

Passion is the fuel that gives you the energy to pursue your dreams. Share on X

For the audience, let’s take this a little bit deeper. I want to talk to you for a second about brain biology. I only want to talk about two parts of the brain, the outer part of the brain and then the inner part of the brain. The outer part of the brain called the neocortex and the inner part of the brain called the limbic brain. If you were at a place where you can draw, if you do a big circle with a smaller circle inside of it, the outer part of that would be the neocortex. The inner part would be the limbic brain. The neocortex is responsible for rational and analytical thought and language. What that means is that it can understand lots of data, facts, figures and features, but it doesn’t drive behavior. Decision making doesn’t happen at the level of the neocortex. What that means is, you can tell somebody all the facts, figures and features of your product or your service or your cause. They look at you, and they’ll say, “Ben, I understand what you’re saying. Let me think about it.”

When you connect to somebody at the level of the limbic brain, the inner part of the brain, that’s the part of the brain that’s responsible for feelings, like loyalty and trust. 100% of decision making happens at the level of the limbic brain, but it doesn’t have the capacity for language. It doesn’t know why it feels right. It knows that it feels right. When you think about this, Ben, have you ever bought something you didn’t need?

I bought anything every time I go into Costco. That’s what Costco is designed for. It’s designed for the limbic brain where the stuff is sitting there going, “I want that.” It’s not a need that. It’s I want that.

Why did you buy it?

It felt good. It was one of those things where you’d go, “Did I need another set of screwdrivers?” No, but they were sitting in a cool package. There was that one driver that was part of 30 that I was like, “I don’t have one of those. Wait a second. It’s not a bad price. Okay. I get it.” All of a sudden, it’s in my cart. We all have that emotional response.

You buy it because it feels right. It connected with you at the limbic level. You justify it on the way home with the neocortex. “It was in the right packaging,” and all the things that you said. When you want someone to buy your product, join your cause, buy your service, you have to first connect to them at the level of the limbic brain, and then they’ll justify it with the neocortex. How you do that is by starting with your why. How you do that is by talking about what you believe, not what you have. If you start with what you have, you connect to the neocortex. They understand you, but they don’t make a decision.

If you start with the limbic brain, and they believe what you believe, they’ve made that decision. They’ll justify it with the neocortex like we were just talking about. That’s why it’s so critical to start with your why first. To do that, you have to know what your why is. You have to know what it is you believe. What you believe comes from your why. Discover your why. Figure out what you believe. Talk about that instead of what you have. You will connect to weigh more people, the right people. You’ll move forward faster and have a much bigger impact.

Let’s take this to a salesman’s point of view. You understand your why. You understand what you do. When you’re having the conversation, 95% to 98% of sales people go straight for the features and benefits. How do you teach salespeople to move beyond fit sales and benefits? This is what I understand from the limbic point of view. What are the emotional triggers that are going to cause somebody to either say yes, or they’re going to say no?

It depends on how far you want to take this because this is what I do. I don’t talk to anybody on the phone, or anywhere, you included, until I know their why because what am I going to say? I’m going to talk in my language. Here’s a way to think about your why. Your why is the language you speak. Let’s say you speak Spanish. I speak English. All I do is talk to you, Ben, in English. What are the odds you’re going to understand what I’m saying? Until I speak Spanish, then you understand me. If I know that your why is mastery, and I speak to you in the language that you want to hear, we have a completely different conversation. Since I know your why is mastery, I not only know the language you speak, but I know the gifts that you have, but I also know the challenges that you face. I can speak to those things about whatever we’re talking about, whatever the product or the service or the causes.

Let me give you an example. I was having a beer with a friend of mine. His buddy joined us. I had met the guy briefly one time. He says to me, “Gary, have you told Matt about this why thing you do?” I said, “No. We haven’t talked about it. Matt, instead of me telling you about it, let me just give you the why discovery. Go ahead and discover your why. Sit in the corner over there. Discover your why. It’ll take you about five minutes. Come back and we’ll have a great conversation.” He does it. He goes, sits down and comes back. His why turned out to be trust, relationships based upon trust. I said, “Matt, here are some of the great things about that why. You’re the trusted source. You’re the one people can count on if they can trust you, and you can trust them. The sky is the limit. Here are some of the challenges that come with that why. If someone were to break your trust, or maybe tell you a half-truth, that can ruin the relationship.”

I see him nodding. I said, “Is that something that’s going on with you right now?” It turns out he’s the commander of the Air Force Base. I didn’t know that. He’s the commander here. He said, “That happened to me. One of my subordinates was in a car wreck on base. He told me it was a little fender bender. The colonel of the guy that he hit came to me and said, ‘What are we going to do about these two?'” I said, “What do you mean?” He goes, “You don’t know that was road rage. Your guy ran him off into a wall.” He’s like, “No, that’s not what I didn’t hear that.” He didn’t tell him the whole truth. Now he can never trust this guy again. He said, “This why, I need to have this at the airforce.” He hired me to come in and work with all the servicemen. I know now how to speak his language. I know the challenges that he’s facing. I know what’s going on in his world. I know how I can best help him.

A great salesperson might give this out as a gift, 50 or 100 of their top clients as A, as a conversation starter B, as a way to add value C, for selfish reasons to better understand their clients. It’s a win, win. It’s a matter of couching it in such a way it says, “I took this. I found it insightful. I love to give this to you for free and get your feedback on it. It’s going to help you help your people dramatically.” It’s a matter of how you position it. If you do it in such a way that they see it as a win for them, you’re going to benefit in the long run.

It will be. They can even say something as simple as, “I bet you’ve seen that Simon Sinek video or book on Start with Why. This guy’s figured out how to do it.” You want to discover your why? I did it. Here’s my why. I’d love to have a conversation with you about it. Now he exactly knows how to talk to them. They know how to communicate. He knows things that will interest him. It deepens the relationship. This also goes with your significant other or your spouse. Once you know their why, all those crazy things that they do that irritate you, you’ll understand them from a different perspective. You’ll see why they’re doing those things.

LBL Gary | Finding Your Why
Finding Your Why: When someone compliments you based on your why, that’s when things feel the best.


When I speak at events, I’ll start by saying, “Let me ask you a question. Why do you do what you do?” Think about that for a minute. Why do you do what you do? Why don’t other people do things the way you think they should do it? Why do you have energy for some things and others you don’t? Why do you connect quickly with some people and you don’t? Why do you react the way that you react? Why do you make the decisions that you make? All of those things come from your why. Once you know it, it makes so much more sense. Your life will make so much more sense to you when you know your why.

If you’re looking for self-awareness, the first step in performing at the highest level, at peak performance, is self-awareness. Who am I? The very first step in self-awareness is knowing your why. This is where you begin. For the readers, if you’re wanting to build your brand, to know how to tell your story, to move forward faster, to have a bigger impact, wanting clarity, discover your why. It would be the best thing that you could do. It’ll put it all in the right space for you. Your how and what come after that. That’s your why operating system.

I want to leave it there. Before I let you go, there are two questions that I ask you. One, I know you were going to give everybody a 50% coupon to do the why. Do you remember that coupon?

You’ll go to WhyInstitute.com. You’ll click on the link to Discover Your Why and use Ben Baker.

If you go to the YourLivingBrand.live show for Gary, you’ll see all of that there. Go to WhyInstitute.com, Discover Your Why, use the coupon code Ben Baker, and you’ll get it. The last question I asked everybody. This is the question I asked when you leave a meeting, you get your car, and you drive away, what’s the one thing you want people to think about you when you’re not in the room? It’s one of my favorites.

I would say, “How the heck did he do that?” I feel like I have found a better way, my why being a better way. A better way for people to understand themselves, for people to connect with each other, to build your brand, and tell your story. What I would like them to think about me is he did find a better way. That’s why I’m here. When I feel appreciation for finding a better way, there’s not much better than that. That’s my ceiling right there. That is another thing with your why. When someone compliments you based on your why, that’s when things feel the best.

Knowing your why helps you understand what it is you're looking for. Share on X

When you then are complimented, that little detail that you shared with me. You did share one with me. That’s why we it took us so long to get here. I had to buy a microphone because of you. For those of you reading, he was reading one of my blogs. He said, “If you use this other microphone, it’s sure what sound a lot better.” I said, “I’m not going to be on your podcast until I get that mic” so now I’m using it. That little tip that you gave me is going to serve me for the rest of my podcasting career and I thank you for that. How does that feel to you?

That’s a pretty exciting thing for me. Little things make other people’s lives better. That is my reason for being. If I can help people be better, give insights to people, make them better versions of themselves, then that’s an incredible thing.

By showing them the nuances and details that you have researched and spent time to figure out, when they use it and they get results, that’s you living your why. That’s why it feels so good. When people say to me, “That was a better way.” I love it. It couldn’t be any better for me. In my dental practice, to finish with, I wrote Christmas cards to all of my team members, thanking them based on their why. When we came back after Christmas, they said, “You couldn’t have said anything better to me.” That feels the best to me. That’s why it’s so critical to know somebody’s why. You’ll know exactly how to talk to them, to compliment them, what they’re looking for, what does drive them and makes them feel good. Hopefully, when I leave, and when people read this blog, they’ll say, “That guy did find a better way.”

Thanks for continually looking for another way and a better way. Gary, thanks for being a great guest on the show. Thanks for all your wisdom and insights.

Thank you, Ben. I look forward to staying in touch.

LBL Kevyn Rustici | Human Resources

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About Dr. Gary Sanchez

LBL Gary | Finding Your WhyDr. Gary Sanchez’s WHY is to find a better way and share it. HOW he does that is by making things clear and easy to understand. WHAT he brings are simple solutions to help people move forward.

After graduating from USC Dental School in 1988, Dr. Sanchez began his practice in Albuquerque, NM. He was told by the experts of that time – “If you build a great product – people will come.” He spent over 20 years taking the best courses from the top dental institutes, training a great Team, building a beautiful practice, and buying the latest technology – hoping it would lead to a “successful practice.”

What he found instead was a refined practice that was full of completed patients and didn’t share their experiences with others. He believed he had developed a great product but nobody knew about his practice – he felt like a well-kept secret.

He wanted to market his practice, he wanted to tell everyone what he had to offer but what was he going to say? How would he stand out? What would he say that would be authentic to who he is and tell the real story?

That is when he learned about Start with WHY by Simon Sinek. It made complete sense and seemed like exactly what he was looking for – he would market starting with his WHY!

The problem then became – what was his WHY?

That put him on a quest to discover his WHY which he ultimately did after working with experts over the course of close to 8 months.

Using his WHY to develop the marketing and culture of his practice allowed him to go from just getting by to abundance and have record production and new patients for the last 10 years in a row.

Dr. Sanchez then began helping other dentists and businesses use their WHY to create powerful marketing messages which lead to the discovery of the 9 WHYs and the WHY Institute.

He and his Team have worked with over 40,000 individuals, as well as 500 companies from small yoga studios to Fortune 500 Companies helping them get clear, stand out and play bigger.

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