I AM BenBaker

Justifying The Existence Of Marketing For The Future With Steve Tso

LBL Steve | The Future Of Marketing


Marketing has gone a long way since the days of actual door-knocking and mailing ads. The future of marketing is digital, and it is the challenge of every marketer to cut through all the noise and become relevant to prospective clients. Steve Tso, an expert B2B marketer and the Founder of Cyber Business Review, believes that the future of marketing is, in many ways, going back to the basics. He considers all the sophisticated marketing tools we now have are secondary. At the end of the day, effective marketing is all about pipeline and sales. Listen in as he joins Ben Baker on the episode to talk about customer experience, relevant marketing, and the future of marketing in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.

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Justifying The Existence Of Marketing For The Future With Steve Tso

In this episode, we have an amazing guest. Steve Tso is joining me from Victoria and we are going to talk about marketing. Everybody is talking about this wonderful virus and the crisis that we’ve gone through. We need to sit there and say, “What’s next? How do we come through this? How do we get better? How do we make sure that we’re resonating with the people we want to resonate with and be reliable, be the people that people are paying attention to?” Steve, welcome to the show. Let’s get into this.

Thank you so much for having me. I’m looking forward to this.

You’ve come from the enterprise marketing arena. You’ve spent a lot of time in high tech. You spend a lot of time talking to different people and communicating at a pretty high level of marketing. Why don’t you give people a little bit of an understanding of where you came from, where you are, and we’ll get into where we’re all going together?

For many years of my career, I’ve been spending a lot of time in the cybersecurity marketing space. I managed enterprise marketing for a company called Palo Alto Networks. When I started in this space, at the time, they were the fastest-growing cybersecurity company in the world. I did that for about a year and a bit before I was poached over to go to a company called Symantec. Most of you know Symantec as the guys that make Norton AntiVirus. That’s a consumer brand that you see over at Best Buy.

What a lot of people don’t know is that Symantec also has a very vibrant enterprise business in terms of cybersecurity. We sold to everybody from governments to major banks and to the mom-and-pops even. We literally hit every segment of the market. My role there started off as the country marketing manager overseeing all of the marketing that was held in the field here and Canada. I did that for a year and a bit before I took on the role of the campaign director for all of America, Canada, and down to Latin America as well. That in a nutshell is my history.

You’ve seen a little bit and you’ve been involved at a fairly substantial level. It’s not marketing in the B2C space like Coca-Cola or Pepsi. When you’re dealing with it, you’re looking at a fairly large ticket, fairly complicated sales, and it’s all about trust. I want to get into talking about trust first and foremost because I think that trust is going to be a vital player in marketing moving forward. I don’t care if you’re a small company, a medium-sized company, a large company, whether you sell to consumers or to businesses. Trust is going to be huge. I want to get your idea of what are the important factors that companies need to be thinking about when they’re trying to gain the trust and keep the trust of their customers?

Trust is the currency of B2B marketing. Share on X

Trust is the currency of B2B marketing. The thing is I think we also need to look beyond trust and think about what drives trust. If you were to think of, “Who are you going to take trust and break it down into? How do I get from not trusting?” it comes in different formats. You can offer somebody a value in order to get trust. You can get trust from any referral because somebody’s referring somebody to somebody, you can get trust that way or sometimes you build trust over time due to the nature of the relationship. You start off with somebody who you might buy something like a small size deal with, but that worked out well, you can buy some little bit bigger. That worked out well too when we buy something of substantial size. There are multiple ways to gain trust. From a marketing perspective, a lot of times we focus on net new target audiences, people that we do not currently have business relationships with.

Those are the ones who are a little more difficult to gain trust because first of all, they didn’t know who you are or if they do, they might know of you but they don’t know you. How do we get them to the state of knowing you? If you were to take a look at the way marketing has done in our space and especially with COVID, different companies are trying to do different things in order to continue that progress of trust. What we’re seeing is that the ways to access people are limited. What used to work well were more of the in-person types of events where you get to shake somebody’s hand, look them in the eye and have a conversation with the topic live. That conversation is between one person with another person, as opposed to one person broadcasting to everybody. The attention span and the response that you get from your potential client and real scenarios are substantially better than somebody joining a webinar.

What’s going on is that you see a lot of these companies saying, “Join this webinar.” I don’t know about you, but I’m inundated by these on a regular basis. To be honest, sometimes you’re going to find people are joining those things because either A, they got known or they don’t have a whole lot to do or B, this is a way for them to talk to their boss and say, “I’m working on something so just leave me alone.” They might be genuinely interested in learning whatever the topic is. Regardless of why somebody signed on to a webinar, I can almost guarantee that whoever’s on the webinar, chances are they’ve got their phone on or they’re doing something else or they’re multitasking throughout the webinar.

When I see claims saying, “Our online activities are outperforming our in-person activities,” that worries me a little bit as a marketer. That is a little bit misleading in the sense that, “You might have a lot more people signing up on your events, but let’s take a look at the conversion of those leads into potential pipeline eventually to potential close deals.” That’s where the proof is in the pudding that we need to measure. As marketers, I only have one metric at the end of the day, it’s pipeline and deals. Everything that happens before that, I consider them markers, indicators and that’s it.

That’s important that we need to start thinking about that as leaders, as CEOs, as companies. We need to sit there and say, “What are the end goals?” For me as a company, I look and say, “Is my marketing successful this year?” The only thing that I care about is net dollars in my pocket at the end of the year. Once I’ve spent the money on marketing, once the dollars have come in, once I’ve done the work from the customer, “How many new customers did I get? How much money did those people bring into my business? How much did I keep it based on the amount of marketing that I’ve done?” Beyond that, marketing gets over-complicated. They get sophisticated in all these metrics and people are measuring everything under the sun.

The question is, are we measuring the right things? You alluded to that and says, “Are we spending the time looking at things in a way that matters to us? Are we being successful on our own terms?” I want to talk to you about that. As a marketer, when you are talking to a CEO or a CFO or somebody within the company and saying, “We want to spend $25,000, $50,000, $100,000, $1 million or $10 million on marketing,” how do you get them to sit there and say, “What are our goals and how are we going to measure whether this money has been spent effectively?”

LBL Steve | The Future Of Marketing
The Future Of Marketing: You can either get trust from a referral or you can build it over time in a relationship.


You need to break that down into multiple components. That’s a good question, “How do you justify the existence of marketing?” There are certain aspects of which we say, “This brand is intangible. How much is the brand Coca-Cola worth? How many billion? How do we come to that figure?” “We don’t know.” Realistically, it is intangible, but it’s not 100%. There’s one little checkmark there. In the space that I’m in, it’s fairly easy because I work with a very set budget. I get a set amount of budget at the beginning of the quarter, “Here’s X amount. Out of this X amount, I expect X amount of leads. Out of X amount of leads. I expect X amount of pipeline. Out of X amount of pipeline, I expect X amount of sales.”

You have to understand the lens that I’m looking at is from a field marketer’s perspective. I’m the guy that represents the company when it comes to interacting with the clients. Everything happens upstream from me. What I mean by that is all the court marketing, the brand, the social, it doesn’t impact my spending. My budget is separate from that. My budget in terms of how I justify my own existence is, “I was able to execute X number of events and we were able to bring in X amount of people. Through that, we’re able to generate X amount of leads which results in X amount of pipeline.” In terms of expectations, going back to your point about, how do we convince the CFO or anybody else in charge of how to justify marketing? You need to break those down into specific areas of marketing and then identify the goals within each of those.

We have to say, “You’re responsible for brand. I’m giving you X amount of dollars and we need to make sure that we hit these particular KPIs. You’re responsible for social. If that’s the case, I give you this amount of dollars, so you’re responsible for this amount of interactions.” Those need to be set forth at the beginning of every budget planning process. What’s more important is that they need to be brought under the umbrella of a CMO so that at the end of the day, it’s not fragmented. That’s the balance that a lot of companies and a lot of people have a difficult time with because it’s not difficult to break down marketing into chunks and then say, “I need you to measure against these things.” What’s awfully difficult and sometimes detrimental to business is when the metrics of each of these chunks are competing with each other. Somebody might be doing well here over in brand, but then they’re claiming pipeline that should have been generated by the field people and you’ve got an issue because everybody is fighting for dollars internally.

Before we get into that, I want people to understand the difference in your mind between brand marketing and advertising because most people lump them into one category. “I have a certain amount of money to communicate with my customer,” and they look at that as, “That’s my marketing budget.” They don’t understand the difference between advertising, marketing, and branding and the function of all three of them and how they work together. I want you to spend a little bit of time on that.

It depends on the maturity of the company that we’re dealing with. If somebody is a brand-new company that literally just started, they need to gain brand awareness fast. We would need to focus a little bit more on the advertising side of things to say, “Let’s get our name out there so that people are aware of us.” You talk about the marketing side of things. The way I look at marketing is, it’s very simple. We’re responsible for generating pipeline, but let’s take a look at the source of that pipeline. A pipeline is there when there’s a need. You don’t ever create the need, the customer is the person that creates it. You’re only the person that harvests the need when you happen to be there at the time when they have the need.

You bring that back as separate and say, “What is marketing trying to do?” I always want to think that marketing is to be able to position your company in a situation where when somebody needs something that remotely relates to what it is that you have to offer. Number one, they immediately recognize, “Your company does that.” Number two, if your offer is persuasive enough, they’ll contact and remember, “We’re out to take a call from this rep because they’re reputable.” That’s my definition of what marketing’s function would be under this scenario. It’s important because sometimes we forget. You’re right, people put it all together and say, “I’m doing social.” “Was that brand or is that advertise? What do you want to call it?”

As marketers, the only metrics we should be concerned about at the end of the day are pipeline and sales. Share on X

I look at that as tactics whether television, radio, social media or trade shows. What I look at a brand is how people think about you when you’re not in the room. How do people think about you? How do they emotionally connect with you? How do they believe that you add value to them? The marketing tells a story of that brand. The advertising is what you do when you want to sell something. Your marketing talks about who you are as a company long-term and give people to think about you when they need it. You’re advertising about urgency. Advertising is a call to action. “We need to sell 10,000 of these units tomorrow. We need an advertising campaign, not a marketing campaign.” There’s that disconnect. When you’re talking about that, you talked about bringing everything under the umbrella of a Chief Marketing Officer, CMO. That’s vital because you run into these things where you have different departments within the communication channel that are competing against each other.

Either they’re competing for each other for dollars, cents, for budget, for prestige within the company, for my functions more important than your function, but I believe the role of a CMO is to make sure that everybody is focused on, how do we take care of the customer? How do we tell that story of the journey with that customer whether it’s an internal customer or external customer? I’d love to hear your thoughts on how do we go about doing that successfully. Let’s take it from a small to medium-sized business. Enterprise is a completely different animal and is outside the bailiwick of most of the people that read this blog. Let’s say you’ve got 200 to 500 employees and you’re driving somewhere in the neighborhood of $30 million to $50 million, what would a good CMO do to be able to affect real change within that company?

The CMOs role is a lot more complicated, not from my technical perspective. I think the CMO has to be the marketing evangelist within the company. Here’s what I mean by that. If you’d look at all the best communicators in the world, the one thing they’re good at is simplifying a message into a way that everybody can get on board easily. Politicians and good leaders are very good at that. The CMO needs to do that as well because they need to get to a point where everybody under him or her needs to be pulling in the same direction. I’m going to draw a quick example. You and I were chatting about this on our first conversation. I think you asked me, “What was your background?” My passion is I love fishing. Right after university, I’ve always wanted to fish up in Queen Charlotte. I never had the chance to because I knew it was awfully priced, especially when you’re coming out of college at 22 years old. I thought, “Why not go work up there?” I did. I started up there as a dock man and I ended up being a guest guide up there.

I remember the very first day, I walked up the Langara Lodge and they said, “You’ve all left the city, you’re all here now. I need you guys to understand that the guests are about to show up. They all paid $1,000 a day. Your job is to make sure that they spent that $1,000 a day and they felt like they were worth it.” That’s all it took. I say, “I get it.” That was literally a simple 10, 20 seconds message, but we’ve got it. All of us worked our butts off. I’ve never worked so hard in my entire life. In terms of actual being on all the time and keeping a smiling face, and just making sure mining all the tiniest details of that person stay throughout the course of the three days. It was amazing to see everybody, not just from the guys on the dock, but even the guys in the kitchen to get the service and the galley. Everybody along this entire supply chain of this 3 to 4-day experience pulled them the same direction. Bring it back to the present, many years later.

I still live by that very same rule. At the end of the day, customer experience is the one thing that’ll make marketing work. One of my potential clients, we’ve been talking a lot about how companies during COVID-19 have been even more aggressive in terms of their outreach tactics and everything else. This particular gentleman works on LinkedIn. He goes, “Dear vendors, I know times are tough and I know you’ve got to make your living. I’m begging for your patience and understanding when I don’t reply to your email. I’m also begging that you don’t send me fifteen more emails to follow-up. It only serves to ensure that I will be cast never reply to you when I have time.” I don’t know how much more blatant the customer can point, “How much more do we want?”

Marketing can sit here and say, “We need X amount of touches before we get this meeting.” You can do all your stats you want, but when your customer is posting this on LinkedIn, what that’s telling me is that they’ve had enough. They’re going on the offense. They’re calling all of us up. Do you want to go back and knock on that door again, upset them some more and make sure they blacklist you? Go ahead and try to find that out. In my space, I target the chief information security officer. I got off the phone with a CSO and we were on a pretty good chat about overall marketing and COVID-19. I said to him, “Why don’t you give me a breakdown of your day, like a pie chart. Say your pie chart was a date, what percentage of your time would you spend doing what?”

LBL Steve | The Future Of Marketing
The Future Of Marketing: Marketing tells the story of the brand. Advertising is what you do when you actually want to sell something.


He goes, “If I were to break it down a typical day, I’d say maybe 30% of my time is managing my team, making sure that they’re well managed, making sure that they’re motivated, and they do what they’re supposed to do.” The number two biggest piece of the pie was for them to manage vendors because managing vendors was 20% and educating himself keeping his skills at a certain level about 20% and another 20% was spent on meetings that were outside of his department and managing all of those around a large enterprise organization. Let’s go back and dive a little bit down the little vendor that’s pulling the thread a little.

I go, “Of the 20% of the time that you spend on managing vendors, how much of that would you say was useful?” He was, “On a good day, 25%.” “You’re telling me that 75% of the time that you spent on managing vendors out of the 20% of your day is not useful?” He said, “Yes.” I go, “What would you do during those 25% time?” “Steve, I go everything from deleting my voicemails. I go from deleting emails. Sometimes I would read through a lot of information that they sent and a lot of it is relevant. I had the responsibility to read through what they send me because that’s my job, to make sure that I stay on top of the technology and I do what I do best for my organization. What I’m seeing, just useless collateral. I get a little bit upset.”

I go, “Let’s do the math on this. You’re telling me 25% of your 20% is effective. That’s basically, it’s 5% of your days effective. You’re wasting 15% of that 20% on useless activities.” That’s what our customers are seeing. Let’s take a step back and look at what the vendors are doing. From a marketer’s perspective were like, “With COVID-19, we’ve got to hit them harder. Let’s throw more resources there. Do more of this, do more of that.” We’re spending more money so that they can spend more time to run away from us faster. “All we’re doing is burning cash. I’d rather take that money and give it to the poor, honestly speaking.” The company needs to realize that before they work off of the game of numbers. It’s a game of numbers to a degree, but there comes a tipping point when we’ve got to go, “It’s a game of numbers. Now, we’re starting to upset people. Maybe we should roll it back a little bit.”

I want to touch on one thing with you and linger large and then we’ll push forward on this. What they were doing there by instilling in you that your job is to sit there and these guys are spending a thousand dollars a day is providing the best customer experience that they could and that’s the best marketing. Those are the people that said, “We went up Langara for three days. We had this absolutely phenomenal time. The staff took phenomenal care of us. I need to get six of my friends and come back next year.” That money is gold. You didn’t have to spend a dime in advertising.

You didn’t have to spend a dime on creating noise and more garbage on the internet. What you did is you created that customer experience and let’s dive that forward because I think that we’re going to be in the realm of customer experience for a long time moving forward. Everybody thinks that this is a new thing. It’s the fact that there have been so many people that have been so tone-deaf for so long that they hope that some people are starting to get it because you’re right.

How many emails does the average person get on a daily basis from vendors that are absolutely irrelevant? They’re either too long, they’re not to the point, they’re not full of relevant data or they’re just clean out noise. The same thing goes with social media and the same thing goes with all marketing. The best companies that I’m seeing, they’re saying, “We’re taking $2 million out of our marketing budget, and instead of spending our money, we’re donating it to this.” That was the entire ad. It was one of the big, multibillion-dollar companies that were saying that.

The best and cheapest marketing is customer experience. Share on X

What they’re saying by doing that is we’re cutting down on the amount of noise that we’re putting out there. It’s not the fact that they gave money to charity, which I love, but the marketing that they’re doing is better. The marketing that they’re doing is relevant. It’s not tone deaf. It’s not creating more garbage out there. It’s hitting the right people in the right way to say, “When we are ready to do whatever we need to do again, this is the company we’re going to go with because we liked their JIT.”

As we move forward, we need to think very differently as we’re communicating both internally and externally within the company to say, “Does the person on the other end care about what we’re saying? Are we adding value and are we putting ourselves in the position where we’re hurting our own brand because we’re pissing somebody off?” I’d like to know your thoughts about where do you think we should be going? That’s my viewpoint.

I think people at an organization is the ultimate branding vehicle. Let’s go back to Langara Lodge because it’s simple. Everybody can relate to a fishing trip. I remember also after they told us that people spend $1,000 a day and that we’ve got to do what we can to make sure they’re happy. The next person went up and said, “People come here year after year. The fishing may or may not be good, but they don’t care. They don’t come here for the fish, they come here for the people. The people that work there were their friends.” What more do you want to say from that? To be able to transcend from the, “I’m selling you,” something level to “I am now your friend,” level. How much more public can you get? You talk on marketing and you talk about branding.

You’re enabling the experiences. I had Steve Sims on the show who’s the real Wizard of Oz. Steve is all about creating world-class experiences for his clients. Not giving them what they want, it’s giving them what their heart desires.

They’re almost too embarrassed to ask you what they want, but you’ve got to figure it out.

By the time he provides it, the cost is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter what it costs because it’s such an incredible experience. The price doesn’t matter at that point in time because it’s something that you’re going to have with you for the rest of your life. I think that we need to get back to that type of thought process within companies. Maybe we’re not going to go after 100 million customers. The ones that we have and the ones that we truly can serve, treat them so well that they don’t want to go anywhere else because they know you’re going to take care of them, make them feel special, and give them not what they came in for, but what they need and what’s going to make them better moving forward.

LBL Steve | The Future Of Marketing
The Future Of Marketing: Marketing should be relevant. It shouldn’t just add to the garbage that’s already on the internet.


As an enterprise marketer, I can’t go and scale-out the velvet rope experience for everybody. There are no intentions for that. I want to know your thoughts on this. If for example, I have a limited number of velvet rope tier-one account-based marketing customers. Chances are these guys are fairly well-recognized players in their individual fields. If I go to them and provide them with the absolute best experience that they can get from dealing with a vendor, what do you think are they going to be doing about it? Think about the downstream effects of that. Think about them writing a case study for us or them giving us a referral, or them giving us participating in some of our events, being a speaker.

That’s what I’m talking about when we were talking about scaling. Scaling doesn’t have to happen at the first degree. Scaling can happen to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-degree down from your 1st-degree customers. A lot of organizations are missing that boat. It’s a different level of work and it’s not directly tied to “marketing” because sometimes companies call that customer success. Sometimes companies call it customer advocacy. Whatever that terminology is, all we’re doing is being, “Maybe we can piggyback off of some of our best customers and build their brands.” Going back to trust. If it was good enough for IBM, it must be good enough for me.

If all of a sudden you have a dozen premier customers that are leaders within whatever field that they’re in and they are all using your solution, when you go after number 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and you already have their logos up on your website and these guys are giving you testimonials, showing up at your customer events and telling people how much they love working with you, no amount of advertising could ever buy that. It’s impossible. You can’t spend enough money to replicate that.

You’re tugging at the heartstrings a little bit, aren’t you?

It’s like, “They’re driving a Ferrari. I should be driving a Ferrari.” “They have a Learjet. I should have a Learjet.” You’re always sitting there going, “I want to be like them.” “They’re the next level.” “They are the gold standard as far as I’m concerned. If I want to be like them, I need to use the vendors that they’re using. I need to do the solutions they’re using. I need to have the programs that they have and if it’s cost me more than I’m currently spending, this is worth it.”

I think your customers are your best billboards. They’re better than anything else. Make sure you keep them happy.

We need to be thinking about that. We need to be thinking of our customers, not as a cash cow, not somebody that we’re going to go to the same well time again and keep having our hand out. The question is, how can we make their lives better? How can we serve them in a way that they sit there and go, “This other solution is $10,000 cheaper or $50,000 cheaper, but look at the service we get? The technology works and the people behind it are phenomenal. We’re treated well when we go to their conferences.” All that matters, and that’s where we build success stories. It can scale down to the people that are buying the Norton 360 at $295 for a license. That’s where the scaling can come in. When you look at the next 3, 5, 7 years down the road, is social just going to become absolute or are people still looking at multichannel for that multiple touchpoints?

It depends on what happens in the next months. I’m being brutally honest because we don’t know what COVID is going to do. I’m speaking as a field marketer. When this whole thing came about in March, April, a lot of conferences and everything got shut down and people pushing them back, deferring them, postponing. I had one contact of mine who runs a trade show and his conference was set for the middle of March. He was set at the beginning of COVID. He’s one of the first guys to postpone his event and he pushes it back to September. I go, “You’re going to be doing this at the time?” He goes, “I don’t know because right now I’m getting speakers calling me up and saying, ‘I’m not attending any trade shows unless there’s a vaccine.’” How do you have a trade show without speakers? You can do virtual, but this was not a virtual event. If he does go virtual, then going back to your question, it’s social, digital, all these things.

What does the next number of years look like? What happens in the next little bit will steer a lot of that. Hopefully, everything goes back to normal. We might go back to what we did before. I think it’s going to be a lighter version of it. There’s a certain amount of market that’s used to working from home and we need to figure out what that looks like. I also think social, especially LinkedIn is a channel that’s still so under-utilized. Some of my best contacts came from LinkedIn. There are certain pipeline deals in the six-figure range that I got off of cold calling on LinkedIn and this is the marketing guy and not even a sales rep. Here’s a story I don’t want to get because it’s great if they wouldn’t use it properly, but it’d be horrible if they were to be abused.

It’s like every other technology out there. There are people that abuse it and use it in a way that it’s not meant for and ruins it for everybody else. There are too many people that call themselves LinkedIn experts that are going to save your world and get you into the wrong place. Most of them are not worth the money that they spend on advertising. That’s a different story altogether. We need to sit there and say, “It’s how we use the media. It’s not the media itself.” To go back to your point, I had the last several months of professional speaking gigs for myself canceled. All the live training events I have are gone. A lot of that has gone online. Some of it is successful, some of it is not because it all depends on the quality of the platform. It decides on whether the people that come to the event are still engaged when they’re digital and it’s not live. It’s a lot harder to engage an audience digitally than it is to engage them live.

It’s how interactive and how involved the actual platform itself is. I’m a big believer that we’re going to get into a hybrid model. We’re going to have no fewer way better quality live events. You’ll augment that with virtual events where instead of having to fly overnight for a meeting and put twelve people in a hotel room and flying from all over the country just so they can all have dinner together, everybody jumps on a Zoom call and you can do everything as effectively that way. We still need to get people together. It’s a matter of sitting there and going, “When is the time to do it live? When is the time to do it virtually?” It’s going to take the next couple of years to truly and absolutely figure that out.

That’s a correct way to look at it because we don’t know. Everybody’s got different personal preferences too. That’s the other variable that we haven’t touched on. If you were to take a look at the workforce and the Millennials are fine. They’re totally cool with working remotely. They don’t need to go and see people. They were happy about that before. There are also certain people that do prefer face to face.

The statistics are saying that Millennials and Gen Z’s are the ones that are most lonely because they’re living by themselves.

They’re living through the screens right in their phone. That’s why I think it will be very interesting to see, at least in my space, how to go to market strategy will be in the next several years. Regardless of whatever happens, I still think content is going to be the most important driver of everything that we do. I don’t care whether you’re a trade show, a webinar or a piece of paper. If whatever you’re trying to communicate is irrelevant to the person you’re trying to communicate with, it’s going to end up in the trash and worse, it will end up tarnishing your brand. That’s the last thing a marketer could want because once you’ve lost that person, the cost to reacquire that person is substantial and sometimes impossible.

I have one last question and it’s a question I ask everybody before I let them out the door. When you leave a meeting, walk up the door, get in your car and drive away, what’s the one thing you want people to think about you when you’re not in the room?

That I added value. As long as I add value, I’m okay with myself. I’m happy with the meeting or whatever that session was. If I walked out of there feeling that, “Steve wasn’t just from left hand to right hand and pass it off to me.” I think that’s the worst thing somebody can do because now you’re literally wasting time. Adding value to every single interaction that you have regardless if it’s a meeting, a conversation, phone call, whatever that is. That’s what I want people to remember me by.

Thanks for adding value to my audience. You’ve done an absolutely phenomenal job. I look forward to continuing our conversations.

Thank you so much. I appreciate it. This was a lot of fun.


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About Steve Tso

LBL Steve | The Future Of MarketingSteve Tso is a multi-dimensional B2B marketer. He founded Cyber Business Review, a marketing/publishing organization that specializes in hyper-relevant ABM marketing through crowdsourced content. In his previous roles, Steve oversaw marketing campaigns in the Americas for Symantec and ran field marketing in Canada for Palo Alto Networks. Most recently, he won ANA’s B2 Marketing Award for Best Publication B2B and placed “Finalist” in three other award categories alongside Goldman Sachs, VMware, IBM, and others. Steve holds an MBA from the University of British Columbia and has extensive experience working in the Americas, Middle East and Asia.


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