I AM BenBaker

Karin Tischler

Karin Tishler from Emily’s Path joins me on the air January 9, 2019, to talk about Returnships and how to bring people who have been out of the workforce, raising a family, for a number of years back into the workforce successfully and productively.

You can contact [email protected] and look at the work of https://www.irelaunch.com/ mentioned in the broadcast

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The biggest question that came out of this is, does this work.

Does bringing women who have been out of the workforce for a number of years, back to positions of responsibility work?

The answer is when done correctly, YES!

These women are far more motivated to succeed within the positions they are in, work more diligently, are more loyal to companies and better champions of the brand.

The trick is supporting their re-entry in a way that allows them to be successful and integrate fully.

It takes planning, communication, re-training of some technical skills, and support, but these employees will be there much longer and provide a much higher ROI in the long term when the right processes are in place.