I AM BenBaker

Kirsten Anderson


Kirsten was an amazing guest today.  We talked about the importance of play in the workplace as a means of facilitation and team building.

The more we can break down barriers and open up lines of communication, the more teams will better understand, empathize and work with each other and the more successful the organization will be.

Want to find out more about Integrated Play?  CLICK HERE!



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Audience Questions:

Would be nice to stand on your own. How do you get people to know you are different?

People know you are different because of how you show up.  Too many people try to fit in or be just like everyone else when they should be looking to see what makes them different

It is about understanding who you can help and how you do it.

Forget about trying to help everyone, or thinking that everyone is your client. . . they are not.

Focus instead on the people who have problems that you can fix, find out more about them and speak to them in the language and through the mediums that are relevant to them.

The more you can focus on these people, and not just everyone with a pulse, the quicker you will be able to differentiate yourself.

If we can help you with this. . . CLICK HERE!