I AM BenBaker

Marketers. . . how about telling a GREAT Story?

I was reading an interesting an interesting article today from Entrepreneur Magazine, “Why Content Marketing is King” and starting thinking. . . Marketers. . .  how about telling a GREAT Story!

People seem to be fixated on pitting one strategy over another, but in reality, telling the story of a brand, across a variety of platforms, is the best way to support that brand.

People want to know why they should care about your brand and your company, the value you bring to market, the successes you have had and what makes you unique.

Different people are going to access your brand in different ways.   That is life.    In India, over 80 percent of people will be introduced to the web the first time through a mobile device.      This would definitely want me to make sure that whatever content I was trying to market in India was mobile web friendly.

Simply put, strategy should not come before brand or messaging.   Without understanding what the value is you bring to the table, and being able to tell that story in a compelling way, it does not matter how that message is delivered as it will be ignored.

Let us help tell YOUR great story, it is the best way to Get YOU Noticed!