I AM BenBaker

Marketing is more than giving away a pen at a trade show

I had a very interesting call today.   Someone was referred to me and wanted me to sell them pens for an upcoming trade show.  They had two prices already, but wanted to find out what I could do for them.

My first question was WHY?    I wanted to know how pens related to their brand, what their call to action was, their intent in going to the trade show, what they wanted potential clients to recall about them from the show and a few more questions to understand their real needs.

The response I got back was “all I want is something to give them that is cheap.”

I was not able to add value to this client, based upon their perceptions and left them to deal with someone who would provide them with cheap pens.

It begs the question; do you want people to think of your product as cheap and irrelevant?  Or would you rather be thought of as unique, valuable and innovative?

In today’s world, that is full of choice, how do you differentiate yourself as a company?  Do people understand the value that you bring to the table or are you just seen as another commodity to be hopefully chosen out of the crowd?

Take the time to audit your brand and your marketing materials, do they jive or are they contradictory?   If you cannot see a clear and concise message throughout your different marketing pieces, how will your potential and actual clients?

Isn’t the objective always to Get YOU Noticed!