I AM BenBaker

Meet Ben Baker

I want to help you achieve your goals, succeed on your terms, and be a conduit to your success.
I believe that storytelling is not a trend; it is a way to engage your audiences now and into the future.
It gives your internal and external stakeholders a hook, demonstrating that:
  • What you do matters to them
  • That you understand their challenges
  • And that you can solve their problems.
This compels them to listen to, understand, value you and your brand, and engage with you.
In the end, isn’t that what we all want?
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My mission and purpose: 

I am passionate to work within a mid- to large-sized B2B organization again.

My desire is for us to create significant national or international impact together.

I aspire to lead, coach, and mentor your next generation of leaders, enabling brand, purpose, culture, objectives, and goals to be understood, aligned with, and achieved.

I am seeking senior-level leadership positions focused on the intersection of:

  • Internal and External Communications

  • Stakeholder Relations

  • Branding and Storytelling

  • Change Management

  • Customer Experience

My 25+ years of experience have seen me benefit clients across various industries, organizational sizes, countries, and continents.

Let’s discuss how I would be a great fit for your organization.

Please find an up-to-date PDF copy of my resume ready for downloading and sharing at the bottom of each page.

Book a 30-Minute conversation and I will provide you three communications tactics to help you achieve one of your 2025 goals.

“Ben is unique, a one of a kind marvel at what he does. He speaks truth, doesn’t soft pedal his message, and his directness brings out the best in people because of his sincerity. Ben’s knowledge base of brand marketing and corporate communications is amazing. I literally look for his posts everyday on LinkedIn. If you are looking for depth of knowledge and relevant insights around branding and communications, you have to check Ben out.”
Executive VP, Sandler Inc.