Since the days of Henry Ford and mass production, Quality Control has always been an issue. Keeping a production line running at maximum efficiency has inherent dangers in making sure that each and every piece that is produced is made with the utmost care and meets uniform and consistent standards.
This challenge is evident by the over 90 recalls for General Motors, but it should be noted that this can occur any time or any place.

Recalls in the car industry may be more public, but these type of recalls do happen in the promotional marketing industry from time to time. Recent examples include a issue with power banks with a major supplier failing and a virus found on USB drives given away by a major computer manufacturer. These recalls are expensive! However, not nearly as expensive as the blow to your brand’s reputation in the market place.
It may be obvious by now, but our philosophy is the cheapest solutions are not always the best and can become very expensive in the long run.
With this in mind, CMYK Solutions signed onto the PPAI Code of Conduct in 2011. As well, we work with Health Canada to ensure that the products that we bring to our clients for distribution meet or exceed CCPSA (Canadian Consumer Product Safety Act) rules and regulations through individual testing and labelling. These processes help ensure that the promotional marketing pieces distributed by our clients are as safe as possible for the recipient and those they may pass it on to.
As part of our on-going training, we participate in Webinars put on by PPAI and will be participating and sponsoring the Safety Leadership Conference in Calgary September 14-17 2014.
Our goal is always to Get YOU Noticed! in a positive way and that means making sure that the Tangible Evidence that we help develop, to support your brand, is of the best quality possible and that it reflects you in the most positive way.